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Author Topic: Cant click serial port (or other buttons) in controller
Posts: 11
Post Cant click serial port (or other buttons) in controller
on: April 22, 2016, 21:47

Hey just updated to the latest firmware and controller after the machine had sat quietly in a corner post house move, got a couple questions/problems.

Within the controller I can't seem to physically click or edit any of the variables in the setup tab below the "reset to factory default" button. As such I can't seem to get a connection between the controller and arduino, I've got a connection within the arduino IDE and can see the ready print in the serial monitor (only just learnt about that ha!). When I'm in the controller I can't click on the serial port option (it doesn't even become highlighted on hover) so evidently can't connect to it. Any ideas about this I'm rather at my technical limit.

Quick question, what version should the polar shield read as it boots up after the latest update? I used xloader to update and am getting v1.3 but realised I have no idea what it said before!

Thank you in advance, appreciate the help!

P.S. apologise if this is a little slurry its friday and a case of ale appeared entirely by coincidence...

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Cant click serial port (or other buttons) in controller
on: April 22, 2016, 22:06

You might try alt-click or ctrl-click or shift-click, sometimes it's get stuck in "grab" mode.

But this happens every time, after restarting the app, right?

Through Processing or running standalone?

The latest version of the firmware is v1.3.1. I might have neglected to build a hex file for that last time.


Posts: 11
Post Re: Cant click serial port (or other buttons) in controller
on: April 23, 2016, 11:56

Good news, found the issue! Ran it in processing and noticed at the end of the console it prints the resolution it generates the window as (something like 1366x768 I think), that jolted a memory of something you wrote about making the window fullscreen causing issues. Sure enough if I just resize by dragging the corner all the buttons work just fine!

I noticed your wiki on processing noted a pro as having the console, agreed.

Thanks for the help! Today's now scheduled purely for playing with new features.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Cant click serial port (or other buttons) in controller
on: April 23, 2016, 19:04

Aha, great memory Souar, I tried to fix that maximise issue in the last release, but couldn't figure it out.

You can also get the console in the compiled version (in a slightly lower-fidelity way), with ctrl-C. MAybe I should make that more obvious with a checkbox or something - that's a good idea!


Posts: 11
Post Re: Cant click serial port (or other buttons) in controller
on: April 28, 2016, 14:58

I can't remember if where I read about maximise issue mentioned that if you manually resize and then hit maximise you don't have the issue with the buttons? I can't pretend to even begin to know why but it was interesting.

Ahhh that's a nifty little command there, I would definitely recommend including that in the guide! Although I'm not sure if this is intentional but whenever I open it reads 'ow'... makes me feel a little cruel, like I'm hurting it haha.

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