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Author Topic: Image to sequence of points
Posts: 3
Post Image to sequence of points
on: November 7, 2014, 18:03

Hello all,

I'm new to polargraphs and adruinos but not new to programming. I am trying to create my own polargraph from scratch, ie writing my own code.

I've been fairly successful in that I can get my gondola to move to desired points in sequence. Im currently plotting mathematical functions eg cos(x) but have no idea how to make the jump to complete images.

Id like to convert an image to a sequence of coordinate points and pipe them into the program with the tool moving from nearest neighbor. I've found the idea of dithering an image but i don't know how to extract the coordinates from this method.

Any help is appreciated, I am very open with my work and am willing to share 🙂

Posts: 3
Post Re: Image to sequence of points
on: November 14, 2014, 18:55

Ok so StippleGen is a great place to look if you are at all interested in this. Im running with this idea right now, still not able to produce the coordinate points yet.....

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