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Author Topic: LCD touch screen issue
Posts: 2
Post LCD touch screen issue
on: May 13, 2014, 13:35

I haven't had much time to use my Polargraph (too many other projects on my plate), but it is essentially set up correctly, everything works and I did manage to get one test print.

However, the touch screen seems to be having some issue. I have to tap on the right side of the screen for the left side button to be selected. This means the centre and right buttons never work. So, Draw from SD, Pen Down, More, buttons don't work.
Not sure if this is a physical error with the resistive touch screen or just a calibration issue that can be rectified.
I'd appreciate any tips to solve it. I don't want a PC to be tied up to the Polargraph all the time. So I need to be able to get it to select the "Draw from SD" button.

Anool, Mumbai

Posts: 1317
Post Re: LCD touch screen issue
on: May 14, 2014, 22:53

Hi Anool, glad to hear you're getting around to it eventually 🙂

Right, when I've had this issue, it's been because I've used the wrong calibration file. The UTouch library does it's screen calibration with a file called UTouchCD.h, that lives in the UTouch library folder. Each screen has a slightly different set of values to go in that file. From the documentation in polargraph_server_polarshield:

The UTouch library needs a couple of calibration values - these
ones are the ones I use for the ITDB02-2.2 inch screen.

#define CAL_X 0x039281CCUL
#define CAL_Y 0x03A2C1DEUL
#define CAL_S 0x000AF0DBUL

// and for the 2.4in screen
#define CAL_X 0x03C34136UL
#define CAL_Y 0x03C0018AUL
#define CAL_S 0x000EF13FUL


Posts: 2
Post Re: LCD touch screen issue
on: May 15, 2014, 07:43

Thanks Sandy. I'll try that out and let you know how it goes. It's set up at my local Maker Space, so it may be a few days before I manage to get there and check if re-calibration works.

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