Hi sethberry, welcome to the forum 🙂
Yes the details around about the software are a bit unfocussed, not because it's actually hard, or tricky, more because it's tricky to explain, or hard to demonstrate. The instructable is still the best source of information about it though.
Er, "detailed, but basic" is a bit of a tall order mind, but I'll try to clear up your main issues. The readme in the download also includes the description of what is in the zip file.
There are two distinct polargraph programs that need dealing with: The server firmware, and the controller application.
The firmware goes onto your arduino board, and you use the Arduino IDE to load it onto it. In your case you should use polargraph_server_a1. The Arduino IDE compiles the four libraries, along with polargraph_server_a1, and uploads the resulting program to the arduino board over the USB connection.
To save you the trouble of bothering with the libraries, and compiling, you might prefer to use a pre-compiled version. This would be the file called polargraph_server_a1.cpp.hex, and you'd use XLoader to upload it, instead of the Arduino IDE. Arduino and Processing look similar, but it's purely superficial - entirely different programs, entirely different languages and entirely different purposes.
There's a post about it here:
The second part is the Polargraph Controller application. It is called polargraphcontroller.exe. This is written in Processing, and the download includes the full source and the libraries it requires. But there is a precompiled version too, that you already will have tried. It needs java installed (that's the javaw.exe it complained about missing), so you should do that first.
Build is looking good - let us know how you get on.