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Author Topic: polargraph controler software questions..
Posts: 2
Post polargraph controler software questions..
on: June 25, 2015, 13:25

Hi there all!!

I'm using the polargraph kit i bought from sandy,
and since i use 2 self build prusa i3's 3d printers which work quite well and see the difference and the similarities between the polargraph and a 3d printer i'm asking myself a few questions i can't answer myself..

#1; is there a possibility to get the vector optimizer in the controler?

#2; is there a possibility to let the servo arm go in 3 possibilities? so the pen is taken of the paper in the way it came from left or right... (les stripes, les strain on the servo) or maybe do a dual servo..

#3; is there a way to get the programm using less CPU..

#4 wildcard question; is there a possebillety to maybe get it running as a addon to perhaps Cura the 3d printer programm wich gets better really fast wich each and every update, and lift on with the evolution of this program..


Mark Bakema

Posts: 1317
Post Re: polargraph controler software questions..
on: June 25, 2015, 19:59

Hi Mark, yep very similar tech. All of these CNC machines are basically the same.

1# I've done a little bit of work in getting some optimiser built into the controller, but nothing ready yet. I will try to prioritise this.

2# Not something I have any plans to do.

3# Could try turning the frame rate down. By default it just runs as fast as it can. put frameRate(1); in the setup() function to restrict it to 1 frame per second.

4# Not something I have any plans to do.


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