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Author Topic: Polargraph controller doing Mining on OSX?
Posts: 26
Post Polargraph controller doing Mining on OSX?
on: November 1, 2017, 09:00

A friend wanted to install the Polargraph controller on OSX (I'm on Windows, so can't reproduce).
After downloading "Polargraph 2017-05-10", when he wants to install, OSX tells him that this includes OSX.Hmining.D, which would damage his computer.

Having quickly googled for it, this is code that Apple deems as damaging as of October 2017. The name definitely doesn't sound reassuring 😐

Are you aware of this? Do you know which one of the external library you use, might do this? (I would be rather surprised if YOU're using the controller to mine 😀 )

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Polargraph controller doing Mining on OSX?
on: November 1, 2017, 20:34

Yikes! Not intentional at all no, I wonder if it's a real alert or a false positive? The controller runs slow enough already without adding mining to it!

I've never had a real mac to compile on, so the precompiled MacOS version in the recent bundle was built on a virtualised mac (macincloud). Does OSX have virus scanning built in, or is it an scanner I can try myself?

I've removed the bundle with the the compiled binary and will have a closer look when I've got time to get a virus scanner on the VM.

Posts: 26
Post Re: Polargraph controller doing Mining on OSX?
on: November 2, 2017, 17:15

Sadly, I have no knowledge of OSX whatsoever.
The screenshot he sent me was of a default OSX dialog - I read that they recently (as of Oct 2017) added OSX.Hmining.D as a fraud source. So it might be that the code was in there for a long time, but never detected by anyone.
Also, I'm entirely not sure what it means - maybe nothing bad at all?

I'll have more info on that in the next couple days, when I sit in front of the friend's apple laptop. Will get back to you!

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