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Author Topic: Polargraph Running Kritzler Hardware!!!!!!!!
Posts: 5
Post Polargraph Running Kritzler Hardware!!!!!!!!
on: May 3, 2014, 10:49


I found this gihub project,

"From Sandy Noble's great firmware and controller:
released under GNU GPL v3

polargraph server code (=firmware) modified to run with the Kritzler-like hardware: stepper drivers (dir and step pins) instead of the Adafruit motor shield. This allows for more powerful steppers, improved precision, an expanded choice of hardware.
Currently running on a testboard Atmega328 with two stepstick drivers and a servo, using unmodified polargraph controller from SVN
latest update 20120207 lanthan
merged upsteram svn r243 changes

Status: fully functional after upstream switched to longs
C1 and C17 appear to work now"

I download and uploaded to my arduino 2560. And I downloaded the polargraph newest and the 1.5 version.

I can run only the 32bit version of polargraph and when i set the serial port 7, it said POLARGRAPH READY (UNO), but my motors didn't run...

what's can i do?

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Polargraph Running Kritzler Hardware!!!!!!!!
on: May 3, 2014, 12:13

Hi Donald, I don't want it to seem like I'm saying RTFM, but if you are using a kritzler circuit, but the kritzler software is not working with it - it makes me think the circuit is not correct - or it is not what you think it is. The solution is, as I've covered in your other thread ( to get der kritzler working, THEN at least you know it works.

I'll repeat it here though - the kritzler software is set up to use the kritzlershield, which has the motor driver control pins on 6, 7, 8 and 9. In the photograph of the circuit, it looks like the driver control pins are actually physically connected on pins 9, 10, 11 & 12. I think this is the early version of the circuit that Alex used, before he made the shield.

Now, I just noticed that the photograph is actually of Alex (tinkerlog)'s own circuit from his site - I had previously assumed it was a photo of your circuit (why didn't I spot the wrong kind of arduino! duh!). So it is possible that there are other physical differences in your circuit that are not present in his. How can I possibly troubleshoot something without knowing anything about it?

Lanthan's pioneering polargraph code is discussed here ( The Polarshield was a formalisation of this method of control, and polargraph_server_polarshield supports it. Just change the pin assignments (covered in to match your physical circuit.

good luck

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