Hello! Welcome, I think you're the first to pick up polarweb since I wrote it!
Your problem is a PYTHONPATH issue. PYTHONPATH is an environment variable that controls where python will look for it's modules.
So on [line 7](https://github.com/euphy/polarweb/blob/master/polarweb/app.py#L7) of app.py, the import statement says to find polarweb.models.geometry, so it needs to know where to find the polarweb module first. python is dumb enough that it doesn't think to look in the current folder, so you've got to tell it.
The link above has a few ways to do it, but I did it just now by using the environment variables box in Windows, adding a new variable called pythonpath, with the value "C:\workspace\pycharmprojects\polarweb".
Then in a terminal,
cd C:\workspace\pycharmprojects\polarweb
python polarweb/app.py
... which runs, but gives you a fairly royal dismissal with an error. I've left this in a bit of a state, so you'll have to give me some time to whip it back into working shape. I'll see what I can do in the next couple of days - sorry about that.
I have created a tag (a release) in github at a point where I think this worked last -https://github.com/euphy/polarweb/releases/tag/0.1.0 so try branching from there. I can get it running using that code ... not so much with the head.
Good luck!