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Author Topic: Request to someone who can script [SOLVED]
Posts: 362
Post Request to someone who can script [SOLVED]
on: April 9, 2012, 07:39

Anybody out there who can write scripts for OpenOffice or some other free text editor?

I'd like a script than can search within an exported polargraph queue for blocks of lines that end with "255,END", insert a line before each block that says "C14,END" and insert another line after the block that says "C13,END".

That way the pen would lift for every white pixel instead of drawing a line on the way to the next pixel, and then the pen would drop to draw the next non-white pixel.

That wouldn't work for near-white pixels that the machine decides to draw white based on pen size. Perhaps the script could ask for a range of values to search for? Then at least the operator could trial and error his/her way to the desired result.

I'd ask for a more comprehensive mask feature (one that also works on interior pixels and, importantly, lifts and drops the pen), but I've gotten the impression I'm the only one who has seen a use for it (mostly for multi-pass drawings).

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Request to someone who can script
on: April 9, 2012, 11:35

I've added this feature into the controller just now Kong, and it does work, but with the caveat you point out:

Only pixels which are specifically masked or below the upper/lower threshold will be skipped. So exactly as you say, if there is a non-white pixel that the machine can't render as waves, it'll slip past and get drawn anyway. If there are small numbers of these pixels, then it might not even be a problem, but I prefer to have control, which is why I haven't ever implemented this.

But I'm going to do it anyway, and make it switch-off-able for those TSP fetishists like myself who like to maintain a continuous line from top to bottom.

If you use a mask, in conjunction with tweaking the "brightest pixel" threshold value, then you should be able to squeeze out the false positives that get passed to the machine, but don't actually result in squiggles.

There is a caveat attached to this new release though (be careful what you wish for), and it's that you need new firmware too. I've changed the protocol that it uses for the serial comms - instead of repeating the submitted command back to ask for verification, each command has a checksum appended to it, and that's used instead. It even seems to work, but'll it'll misbehave if your versions are not synchronised.

It makes comms twice as fast as before and is a more sensible approach.

Happy bank holiday monday!

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Request to someone who can script
on: April 9, 2012, 12:54

Forgot to mention - for those who use serial steppers, I have updated the code for the Polargraph Server SerialStepper ITead branch, but you will need to change your pins and things yourself.


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