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Author Topic: Updating, Is it worth it?
Posts: 10
Post Updating, Is it worth it?
on: November 25, 2014, 01:15

I know this is a weird question but I've always assumed "If it ain't broke, don't update it"

Now, I'm on v1.0 of polargraph. My Processing has been updated, I'm on the newest version of Arduino... ect

Currently my machine works... Not great, but it works.

By updating am I getting myself into a bunch of new problems or is it possible that if I update then I may for once in my life be able to print from SD?

Basically, how much trouble is it to go through a Polagraph Update?


Posts: 1317
Post Re: Updating, Is it worth it?
on: November 27, 2014, 21:13

Updating the controller software (Processing) is entirely separate to updating the board firmware, so that's good.

Instead of updating the controller, you can just download a new precompiled version.

Instead of compiling the firmware, you can just upload the precompiled firmware hex file! (

Both of those things are in every Polargraph code bundle ( You can still always load up the libraries and compile from source if you want to, but unless you want to edit the code itself, it's not worth the hassle of getting the right versions of all the libraries lined up. Though they are in the bundle too, if you are inclined to do so.


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