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Author Topic: write on sd
Posts: 6
Post write on sd
on: January 24, 2015, 11:16

Good Morning. I wanted to know if it is possible to write to sd with polarschield v2 without removing thanks

Posts: 1317
Post Re: write on sd
on: January 24, 2015, 11:35

Hello! Yes, this is possible, and it works. But because it has only ever been used once, it's a bit of a pain.

On the queue tab of the controller, there's a button SIGNAL STORE... that brings up a sub-window where you can enter a filename, and submit. From that point, everything you send to the polargraph will be written into a file with that name. When you are finished, you send the SIGNAL PLAY to switch back into the "live" mode.

Then to draw that file, you can use the EXEC FROM STORE... button to enter a filename to draw from. Or you can use the touch interface on the machine itself.

- This has almost never been used.
- The file-chooser menu on the touchscreen may behave a bit funky.
- Case sensitivity. The machine UPPERCASES all file names when you write them, but NOT when you specify the file to draw from. So if you write to 'comm.txt', then it makes a file called 'COMM.TXT', so it'll fail if you then ask to draw 'comm.txt'.
- It's pretty slow.

I've just tried all this now, and I'm actually amazed it still works, it's seen no love since it was first written.

Good luck,

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