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Author Topic: CMYK with norwegian
Posts: 33
Post CMYK with norwegian
on: March 12, 2013, 08:06

Originally, I tried a norwegian CMYK on A4 with gel pens, and an offeset on the black line (i.e. I manually stepped the right motor). However it was a total disaster - the black totally dominated the colours.

To try a new approach, I did CMY using variable frequency rendering with a block size of 25 and K using norwegian. I set the CMY to originate from the top-left to counteract the heavy K lines. The results are pretty special (using the same image as earlier). The paper size is A3, and this took 2.5 days to complete (slow motor speed, and as I work in the day, it was mostly idle time anyway!)

The challenge is to exactly match up the image render size and the roving boundaries. I found the best bet was to get an approximate in the controller application, and then modify the ini file to make it right. Then dump everything out onto command text files to run on the controller.

There are a couple of small issues with the rendering - the yellow pen keeps jamming now (time to replace it anyway), and the gondola kept bouncing on the tape holding the bottom of the page flat..

Posts: 33
Post Re: CMYK with norwegian
on: March 12, 2013, 08:12

Sorry - poor lighting in the picture... if I get a better on in the day, I'll post it up..

Posts: 1317
Post Re: CMYK with norwegian
on: March 12, 2013, 09:32

Hi airzone that's a remarkable piece! I never even thought of doing cmyk stuff with norwegian pixel, but wow! Glad you got it working too - I hadn't seen anybody else ever do one, so I'd assumed that I had just explained it so badly that nobody understood.

Re your roving area size matching the image - did you have a problem with that? It should do it itself, so it fits the image to the "width" of your roving area, but makes it as tall as it should be. There's something there like "draw roving area outline", and that is the way of testing the extent of the area.


Posts: 33
Post Re: CMYK with norwegian
on: March 12, 2013, 20:52

The issue witht he roving area is more due to me being inaccurate with the mouse, not the software or system... 😉

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