So i was reading in the Forum about the "new" Blender Freestyle render feature:
and instantly thought about a little tool we used at the university, from the time, when I used to study game development.
It is called Ninja Ripper (what else 😎 ) ...
What it does is quite genius.
It hooks into the render pipeline of DirectX and rips anything it finds in the VRAM for the current 3D-scene.
It can output all the models, textures and bones from given scene to a Blender/3DS Max readable format.
You can use the models at your pleasure and compose a nice scene, which you can then export as an SVG using Blender.
I will post some pictures when i find the time to rip something.
Have Fun!
Oh and don't steal other artists work and sell it on etsy. Creating 3D Models and games in general is really hard and underpaid work!