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Author Topic: My first drawing
Posts: 42
Post My first drawing
on: February 28, 2012, 22:52

One of my stepper motors glitched or something, that's why the one eye is messed up. I think possibly one of my gears is a little loose on the stepper or something. My first drawing that I created from the beginning!

This is known as a TSP problem. Traveling Salesman Problem. Single line, doesn't cross itself (except mine did when the stepper glitched). Because I don't have a servo on my gondola yet, I thought this might be fun to make an image without lifting the pen.




Posts: 1317
Post Re: My first drawing
on: February 28, 2012, 23:25

Great stuff!

Posts: 42
Post Re: My first drawing
on: March 1, 2012, 22:41

Hi Sandy and others,

I'm running into a problem with jitter. As you can see in my smiley drawing above, one of the steppers seems to have glitched or something, and thrown off that side of the drawing.

My current setup, I'm using an Arduino Uno with a cheap ebay motor shield. I just have a 9 volt battery hooked up to the motor shield, and the Uno is just currently powered off the USB connected to the computer.

When I open the polar graph controller program, and just try moving the gondola up and down my paper via the program, I notice the glitching. One of the steppers will vibrate and kind of make a noise that's not normal. It stops spinning, hums/vibrates until the 'move' is complete.
I tried this on the three latest versions of the software and still see the problem, so I don't think its software related. Unless I have a config problem that's causing it.

I'm not sure why I was able to complete a couple drawings initially without problems, and now they are doing this. I was wondering if you had any tips on what may be causing this?

I guess I could try replacing my 9 Volt battery. I'll also remeasure everything and check all my config settings. I thought it was a loose wire, but I secured everything and am still experiencing this glitching.

It almost seems like it does it on long pen moves. I suspect maybe that means its a power issue, because that would be when it draws the most amps? I think my wire is 18 gauge, so I don't think that's the problem.

Do you think I need an official Adafruit motor shield or something? If this didn't work right off the bat, I would say yes to that....but I was able to draw the nautilus fine before.

Posts: 42
Post Re: My first drawing
on: March 1, 2012, 22:44

Just a thought, with the newest versions of your polar graph controller software (1.1.4), do I need to have any special libraries installed anywhere? I think my motors work fine when using the old version of your software, run manually thru Processing.

I can't remember if I did my original drawings via that version of the software (via Processing), or one of the newer compiled/standalone versions.

Let me know about any library dependencies for the newest version. I recall that you said it doesn't need anything like the Processing version needed

Posts: 42
Post Re: My first drawing
on: March 1, 2012, 23:00

Actually, looking back at my drawings, I think it might have been glitching all along. I noticed that the edges of the drawings don't line up correctly in my tree drawing.
I have saw tooth lines too on some, and others are nicely squared off.

This is going to drive me nuts trying to figure out!

Posts: 1317
Post Re: My first drawing
on: March 1, 2012, 23:15

All bets are off if you're only using a battery - I'm amazed you even got the drawing you did out of it. But yes you're right about the long moves needing a bit more juice - it's really because the higher speeds give less time for each step to reach full "strength" as it were. Extra voltage will help here. Using the straight line command (C17) does its lines by drawing lots of little lines - quite slow so it will be a bit better behaved. Wire gauge probably won't be an issue.

Your glitching could be related to the power, but it could be something else - until you've got a reliable power source you can't tell.

Re libraries - it'll either compile or it won't compile. There may be a difference between the version you're running with, and the version I compiled with, but probably not

Sandy Noble

Posts: 42
Post Re: My first drawing
on: March 2, 2012, 15:26

Got it, I put in an order for some Adafruit 9v 1 amp power adapters.

Do you recommend that I hook an adapter to the motor board AND the Arduino (2 of them), or just the motor board? This is for an UNO that will be sent commands from the PC

Posts: 1317
Post Re: My first drawing
on: March 2, 2012, 15:37

Bob just one will do, the arduino and the logic will continue to run off the USB connection (5v). You would wire the PSU into the screw terminals on the motorshield itself, and then _that_ power (9v) would get used only for running the motors. There's usually a little jumper on the board that will separate the two power supplies when it's removed.

The alternative is to leave the jumper in place and plug your new power supply into your arduino - that means it'll be powering your logic and your motors. The adafruit guide warns against this, and it isn't great practice, but I've never had any issues with sharing the power supply like that. And it's a lot neater than baring wires and screwing terminals.

If you are using the screw terminals, check and double check you get the polarity of the supply correct - so the positive wires go into the positive screw terminal. There is no reverse-voltage protection on the motorshield, so you can damage it if it's the wrong way around (the voice of experience!).

Good luck!

Posts: 42
Post Re: My first drawing
on: March 2, 2012, 19:22

ok, cool. Thanks for the tip!
So if I want to try plugging the power into my Arduino, keep the jumper in place?
And if I want to wire it directly to the motor shield, remove the jumper?

I really hope this fixes the problems I'm having. Otherwise, I might have to spring for an official Adafruit motor shield. I'd rather put that money towards a Mega for standalone operations!

Posts: 1317
Post Re: My first drawing
on: March 2, 2012, 20:11

Yep, that's it. The jumper makes the motor supply unified with the logic supply.



Posts: 7
Post Re: My first drawing
on: March 9, 2012, 22:05

Thanks for the tip Sandy! It appears that the power supply was my fault. I received my wall adapters from Adafruit and wired it up. I no longer see any jitter. I haven't made a drawing yet, but I did sort out the issue I was having with my setup drawing stuff 'backwards'. ie....when the pen would go left on the computer screen, the pen on the paper would go right.

I didn't think it was a big deal, but I wanted to do a drawing with some text. Text can't be backwards 🙂

I rearranged the wiring where it connects to my Arduino and that sorted it out.

I also had to change my counter weights just a little. They were too long, and bottoming out on my desk. Now they hang at an angle, so if they do hit the desk, they will fall flat, instead of standing on the bolt head.

Posts: 42
Post Re: My first drawing
on: March 9, 2012, 22:16

Above post was by me, didn't realize I wasn't logged in, lol

Posts: 28
Post Re: My first drawing
on: March 19, 2015, 22:21

I was going to comment on this - I had the exact same problem with my polargraph, I made the counterweights too long, and they were bottoming out. Shame I'm 3 years too late to impart any wisdom!

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