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Author Topic: Optimus Prime
Posts: 16
Post Optimus Prime
on: September 4, 2012, 11:52

This was more of a fast proof than what I'd consider a final rendering, but there is some HUGE potential with the new controller.vector.minLineLength!

Ran the vector twice with minLine set at 2 with my fine ball point ink pen. Then ran it two more times with the minLine set at 20 with the same pen. Ran another time at minLine 30 with a fine point sharpie. It quickly builds together into a "hand sketched" appearance and begins to add some depth to the drawing by adding a blacker emphasis on the longer lines.

As an after thought, I wanted to play with colorizing as well. Took the original jpeg, masked and clipped the red portion and blue portion and saved them as individual jpegs. Its easy to line up the jpeg over top of the vector image in the controller software. Definitely on my list of things to give a proper go.


Posts: 1317
Post Re: Optimus Prime
on: September 4, 2012, 13:13

Oh nice work, you're right, it does look good. I hadn't really thought of layering different versions, but I see what you mean about the slight deviations making a very definite effect.

This is a pretty simplistic filter, basically a high-pass filter that only allows lines of a certain length or above to pass through, so there's no sophistication. That results in things like Optimus' right eye collapsing a bit, I guess because the points at the far end of the loop of the eye have not been rendered. I would love to have the filters work with a bit more sophistication, but I'm also very aware that there's other apps out there that will be able to to artwork prep much better than I ever can, so I'm not going to spend too much time on that kind of thing.

Keep us updated with your results, thanks!


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