Hello again, hope you had a nice trip 🙂
The SVG import is very simple - if there are double lines, it is because there are double lines in your SVG file. This happens a lot when I'm working with vector art created by autotrace type processes. What normally has happened is that I want to draw something like:
Decomposed you would think this is simple, eight lines:
But what isn't obvious from looking at it in Illustrator or inkscape is that this is not two overlapping, or nested shapes, it is actually two interlocking shapes:
And when they are stacked, the boundary lines are naturally drawn twice.
It is a pain to fix unless you have simple enough artwork that you can fix it up by hand by deleting each contained shape, and relying on the hole it leaves. Alternatively if you're lucky, you can delete the contained shape in one fell swoop. Depends if you need _it's_ outline, or just it's ... er, inlines.