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Author Topic: gots lotsa dots
Posts: 16
Post gots lotsa dots
on: August 24, 2012, 14:59

Is it possible to drop the "END" at the end of each line thats generated for an image? Everytime the pen gets an END, it stops for a split second waiting for the next command. Using fine point sharpies, it give me a (bleed) dot every centimeter or so. I'm just wondering if I can dump all of the ends and it would flow more continuously? OR, will it dump all the commands faster than what the Uno can process and crap out the whole thing? I'm not using a servo (yet), so I dont know if its something that would be alleviated by using a servo or not. I was completely too anxious to get drawing that I havent gotten around to setting up a servo.



Posts: 1317
Post Re: gots lotsa dots
on: August 25, 2012, 00:49

The END signifies the end of that command. It's probably a bit redundant since the command receiving bit automatically stops when a CR/LF is received, but it's kind of a way to validate the command. The pause itself has nothing to do with the END, and everything to do with the need to send a signal back to the controller to tell it that it is ok to send the next command. After each command is processed, the machine sends a "READY" back to the controller, and the controller will only dispatch the next command when it gets a message to say the machine is ready to receive one.

I'm positive that there's a smarter, maybe asynchronous way to do that that might let me buffer a command while it's busy drawing, but I haven't got it yet. Until that happens, there's a pause. PErsonally, I hated the blots that came from bleeding sharpies, because it represented a loss of control. But now, I love them, they're the hand of the creator (ie the cadence, the rhythm of the machine) in the drawing - they kind of show the working-out, and I've found people respond really well to them. Just buy pens that don't bleed (spirit-based ones are the bleediest, pigmented water-based ones are least bleedy) and your problem is solved 🙂 Trite, I know, sorry 🙂

Posts: 1317
Post Re: gots lotsa dots
on: August 25, 2012, 00:50

Or get a servo and a really long wire!

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