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Author Topic: Polargraph SD / Uno and motor shield comparison
Posts: 28
Post Polargraph SD / Uno and motor shield comparison
on: April 10, 2015, 14:07

I've just built up a polarshield SD/MEGA based machine, having used an UNO machine with adafruit motor shield previously. I'm loving the new stepping accuracy from the stepper motor driver boards, and being able to do spiral pixels/norweigan pixel/drawing from SD is great.

Two things that I have noticed about the two different machines:

(1) The polarshield SD machine makes lots more funky noises from the steppers, even when tweaking the current from the stepsticks using the adjustment screw. Drawing spiral pixels sounds like playing robotron at the arcades, proper bloopy FX. The motors are making a high pitched sound after you set 'motors on' and holding torque. Also, I was running the uno machine at 6V with no problems. I have to run 9V into the polarshield board (removing the external power jumper) just to get the motors to hold torque properly.

(2) It seems to draw much more slowly than the Uno model, especially for vector drawing. I don't know whether this is because of the step interpolation (8x) whereas for the uno machine it was 1x. Does this interpolation mean that it draws 8x slower?

I'm using the Adafruit NEMA-17 stepper motors, and was wondering whether anyone had any tips for setting these up with a Polarshield SD/MEGA based machine.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Polargraph SD / Uno and motor shield comparison
on: April 10, 2015, 17:30

If the motors are noisy, then it usually means they're drawing too much power, and turning the screw on the drivers should help that - but not if it makes them too weak to hold the weight.

I think the main source of the noise is microstepping - if you've ever used the adafruit shield with microstepping you'll have found the squealing that makes even worse... Not much consolation I know. The speed drop is down to the microstepping, indeed. You will be 4x slower I think, because of the step interpolation. The adafruit shield does actually do an interleaved step style, so with a 200 step motors, you used to tell the machine that it had 400 steps. 200 were "real" steps, and 200 were a kind of half-step.

With microstepping drivers, you tell the machine your true motor steps (200), and a multiplier. To fix the slowness, just increase the speed. I usually run at 2000 steps per sec without any problems. There's a hard limit of around 4000 steps per second, so you might find that it doesn't get any faster past a certain speed near there.

The external power jumper shouldn't make any difference. It is an irritating curiosity that the stepper drivers will not work at all with less than 8v, so 9 is not unusual. As long as your motors are not getting overheated, the voltage can be as high as you want, because you tune the power with the adjustment screw.

That said, if you've got a whining out of them when you do a lock, then there's some vibration, some oscillation, and that's a great way to build up some heat quickly. It's also quite unusual. Do the motors whine if you remove the weight from them entirely?


Posts: 28
Post Re: Polargraph SD / Uno and motor shield comparison
on: April 10, 2015, 19:12

Thanks Sandy, that clarifies lots of things. I haven't checked what happens if you remove the weight but I will: I'm running a relatively heavy gondola to stop the resonance in the strings when doing vector drawings. Thanks for the tips about the voltage and power supply, I'll fiddle with things until it works best.

I'm finding that the detail in the drawings is much better with the SD, presumably due to the micro stepping, and I'm looking forward to running some overnight renders with the norweigan pixel, just managed to pick up 50 x sheets of A2 at staples for £20!

Two more questions: Is there any advantage to uploading the hex file directly to the board instead of using the polarshield.ino that's in the zip file?

Also, is it relatively easy to change the timeout for power down? I've had some interesting moments where the board has screensaved, and the torque has gone out of the motors, but luckily not the servo.

Thanks again for such an awesome machine/concept/instructable/coding/support and community you've built!

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Polargraph SD / Uno and motor shield comparison
on: April 10, 2015, 20:37

It isn't luck that made the servo stay on when the motor power times out, it's by design, because you don't want the machine drawing a big stripe through your finished drawing. There's a risk, when you cut the power that the gondola wobbles so much that it draws - even though it's "lifted".

What I normally do is add a deliberate "pen lift" and a "draw to point" to move the pen to a point of natural equilibrium as the very last thing in a queue, so when the motor cuts out, there isn't a big sudden spring back, and the gondola is already at a relaxed position.

Changing almost all of the settings like the timeouts is a matter of recompiling the source and uploading. IT's not hard, you've just got to get the arduino libraries installed. The main polargraph zip bundle has all the libraries in it, they just need dropping into your sketchbook/libraries folder. It's a little idiosyncratic because it should be the particular versions of the libraries in the bundle, and it needs to be Arduino version 1.0.5, rather than the newest one.


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