hello everyone,
I am trying to build a polarbot using arduino mega 2560 with ramps 1.4, I downloaded the firmware on this page "https://github.com/euphy/polargraphcontroller/releases/tag/2016-03-29-10-23", added all the libraries and when I compile the code in arduino IDE I am getting this error
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr/bin/avr-g++" -c -g -Os -w -std=gnu++11 -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -flto -mmcu=atmega2560 -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10802 -DARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino" "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\variants\mega" "-IC:\Users\microbyte\Documents\Arduino\libraries\UTouch" "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\SPI\src" "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\SD\src" "-IC:\Users\microbyte\Documents\Arduino\libraries\AccelStepper" "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\Servo\src" "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\EEPROM\src" "-IC:\Users\microbyte\Documents\Arduino\libraries\UTFT" "-IC:\Users\microbyte\Documents\Arduino\libraries\URTouch" "C:\Users\MICROB~1\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_193522\sketch\polargraph_server_polarshield.ino.cpp" -o "C:\Users\MICROB~1\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_193522\sketch\polargraph_server_polarshield.ino.cpp.o"
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\polargraph_server_polarshield.ino: In function 'void setup()':
polargraph_server_polarshield:316: error: 'penlift_penUp' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\calibrate.ino: In function 'void calibrate_doCalibration()':
calibrate:25: error: 'penlift_penUp' was not declared in this scope
calibrate:27: error: 'releaseMotors' was not declared in this scope
calibrate:118: error: 'reportPosition' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\configuration.ino: In function 'void configuration_setup()':
configuration:98: error: 'multiplier' was not declared in this scope
mmPerStep = mmPerRev / multiplier(motorStepsPerRev);
configuration:102: error: 'sd_initSD' was not declared in this scope
configuration:103: error: 'lcd_initLCD' was not declared in this scope
configuration:104: error: 'lcd_showSummary' was not declared in this scope
configuration:107: error: 'touch' was not declared in this scope
configuration:116: error: 'lcd_displayFirstMenu' was not declared in this scope
configuration:117: error: 'releaseMotors' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\curves.ino: In function 'void curves_pixel_drawCircularPixel()':
curves:21: error: 'multiplier' was not declared in this scope
long originA = multiplier(atol(inParam1));
curves:31: error: 'pixel_maxDensity' was not declared in this scope
int maxDensity = pixel_maxDensity(penWidth, radius);
curves:39: error: 'pixel_scaleDensity' was not declared in this scope
density = pixel_scaleDensity(density, 255, maxDensity);
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\curves.ino: In function 'void curves_drawCurve(long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, int)':
curves:82: error: 'changeLength' was not declared in this scope
changeLength(xt, yt);
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\curves.ino: In function 'void curves_drawSpiral(long int, long int, int, int, int)':
curves:169: error: 'changeLength' was not declared in this scope
changeLength(startx, starty);
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\eeprom.ino: In function 'void eeprom_loadMachineSpecFromEeprom()':
eeprom:163: error: 'multiplier' was not declared in this scope
mmPerStep = mmPerRev / multiplier(motorStepsPerRev);
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\exec.ino: In function 'boolean exec_executeBasicCommand(String&)':
exec:35: error: 'pixel_drawSquarePixel' was not declared in this scope
exec:37: error: 'pixel_drawScribblePixel' was not declared in this scope
exec:43: error: 'pixel_testPenWidth' was not declared in this scope
exec:45: error: 'penlift_penDown' was not declared in this scope
exec:48: error: expected primary-expression before 'else'
else if (com.startsWith(CMD_SETMACHINESIZE))
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\exec.ino: In function 'void exec_setPenLiftRange()':
exec:200: error: 'penlift_movePen' was not declared in this scope
penlift_movePen(up, down, penLiftSpeed);
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\exec.ino: In function 'void exec_changePenWidth()':
exec:254: error: 'msg_reportMinimumGridSizeForPen' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\exec.ino: In function 'void exec_setPosition()':
exec:259: error: 'multiplier' was not declared in this scope
long targetA = multiplier(atol(inParam1));
exec:265: error: 'engageMotors' was not declared in this scope
exec:267: error: 'reportPosition' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\exec.ino: In function 'void exec_changeLengthRelative()':
exec:272: error: 'multiplier' was not declared in this scope
long lenA = multiplier(atol(inParam1));
exec:275: error: 'changeLengthRelative' was not declared in this scope
changeLengthRelative(lenA, lenB);
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\exec.ino: In function 'void exec_changeLength()':
exec:280: error: 'multiplier' was not declared in this scope
float lenA = multiplier(atof(inParam1));
exec:283: error: 'changeLength' was not declared in this scope
changeLength(lenA, lenB);
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\exec.ino: In function 'void exec_changeLengthDirect()':
exec:288: error: 'multiplier' was not declared in this scope
float endA = multiplier(atof(inParam1));
exec:295: error: 'getMaxLength' was not declared in this scope
if (endA < 20 || endB < 20 || endA > getMaxLength() || endB > getMaxLength())
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\exec.ino: In function 'void exec_drawBetweenPoints(float, float, float, float, int)':
exec:327: error: 'getCartesianXFP' was not declared in this scope
float c1x = getCartesianXFP(p1a, p1b);
exec:328: error: 'getCartesianYFP' was not declared in this scope
float c1y = getCartesianYFP(c1x, p1a);
exec:396: error: 'getMachineA' was not declared in this scope
float pA = getMachineA(c1x, c1y);
exec:397: error: 'getMachineB' was not declared in this scope
float pB = getMachineB(c1x, c1y);
exec:407: error: 'changeLength' was not declared in this scope
changeLength(pA, pB);
exec:415: error: 'reportPosition' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\impl_ps.ino: In function 'void impl_processCommand(String)':
impl_ps:20: error: 'lcd_echoLastCommandToDisplay' was not declared in this scope
lcd_echoLastCommandToDisplay(com, "usb:");
impl_ps:34: error: 'sd_storeCommand' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\impl_ps.ino: In function 'void impl_executeCommand(String&)':
impl_ps:75: error: 'rove_setRoveArea' was not declared in this scope
impl_ps:77: error: 'rove_startText' was not declared in this scope
impl_ps:79: error: 'sprite_drawSprite' was not declared in this scope
impl_ps:81: error: 'sprite_drawRandomPositionedSprite' was not declared in this scope
impl_ps:85: error: 'rove_controlSwirling' was not declared in this scope
impl_ps:87: error: 'rove_drawNorwegianFromFile' was not declared in this scope
impl_ps:89: error: 'rove_drawRoveAreaFittedToImage' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\impl_ps.ino: In function 'void impl_runBackgroundProcesses()':
impl_ps:106: error: 'lcd_checkForInput' was not declared in this scope
impl_ps:107: error: 'lcd_updateDisplay' was not declared in this scope
impl_ps:114: error: 'lcd_runEndScript' was not declared in this scope
impl_ps:119: error: 'rove_swirl' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\impl_ps.ino: In function 'void impl_exec_execFromStore(String)':
impl_ps:197: error: 'lcd_echoLastCommandToDisplay' was not declared in this scope
if (echoingStoredCommands) lcd_echoLastCommandToDisplay(command, inFilename+": ");
impl_ps:204: error: 'lcd_checkForInput' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\impl_ps.ino: In function 'void impl_pixel_testPenWidthScribble()':
impl_ps:273: error: 'multiplier' was not declared in this scope
int rowWidth = multiplier(atoi(inParam1));
impl_ps:295: error: 'pixel_maxDensity' was not declared in this scope
int maxDens = pixel_maxDensity(penWidth, rowWidth);
impl_ps:305: error: 'pixel_drawScribblePixel' was not declared in this scope
pixel_drawScribblePixel(posA, posB, rowWidth, density);
impl_ps:313: error: 'changeLength' was not declared in this scope
changeLength(long(posA-(rowWidth/2)), long(startRow-(rowWidth/2)));
impl_ps:317: error: 'moveB' was not declared in this scope
impl_ps:321: error: 'moveA' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\impl_ps.ino: In function 'void drawRandom()':
impl_ps:378: error: 'reportPosition' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\impl_ps.ino: In function 'void impl_exec_drawTestDirectionSquare()':
impl_ps:384: error: 'multiplier' was not declared in this scope
int rowWidth = multiplier(atoi(inParam1));
impl_ps:386: error: 'pixel_drawSquarePixel' was not declared in this scope
pixel_drawSquarePixel(rowWidth, rowWidth, segments, DIR_SE);
impl_ps:387: error: 'moveA' was not declared in this scope
impl_ps:390: error: 'moveB' was not declared in this scope
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\impl_ps.ino: In function 'void impl_pixel_drawSawtoothPixel()':
impl_ps:402: error: 'multiplier' was not declared in this scope
long originA = multiplier(atol(inParam1));
impl_ps:418: error: 'pixel_getAutoDrawDirection' was not declared in this scope
globalDrawDirection = pixel_getAutoDrawDirection(originA, originB, motorA.currentPosition(), motorB.currentPosition());
impl_ps:458: error: 'pixel_maxDensity' was not declared in this scope
density = pixel_scaleDensity(density, 255, pixel_maxDensity(penWidth, size));
impl_ps:458: error: 'pixel_scaleDensity' was not declared in this scope
density = pixel_scaleDensity(density, 255, pixel_maxDensity(penWidth, size));
impl_ps:460: error: 'changeLength' was not declared in this scope
changeLength(startPointA, startPointB);
impl_ps:463: error: 'pixel_drawWavePixel' was not declared in this scope
pixel_drawWavePixel(size, size, density, globalDrawDirection, SAW_SHAPE);
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\lcd.ino: In function 'void lcd_touchInput()':
lcd:30: error: 'touch' was not declared in this scope
lcd:42: error: break statement not within loop or switch
G:\CNC\Polargraph 2016-03-29\arduino-source\polargraph_server_polarshield\lcd.ino: At global scope:
lcd:46: error: expected unqualified-id before 'else'
else {
lcd:49: error: expected declaration before '}' token
Using library UTouch in folder: C:\Users\microbyte\Documents\Arduino\libraries\UTouch (legacy)
Using library SPI at version 1.0 in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\SPI
Using library SD at version 1.1.1 in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\SD
Using library AccelStepper in folder: C:\Users\microbyte\Documents\Arduino\libraries\AccelStepper (legacy)
Using library Servo at version 1.1.2 in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\Servo
Using library EEPROM at version 2.0 in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\EEPROM
Using library UTFT in folder: C:\Users\microbyte\Documents\Arduino\libraries\UTFT (legacy)
Using library URTouch in folder: C:\Users\microbyte\Documents\Arduino\libraries\URTouch (legacy)
exit status 1
'penlift_penUp' was not declared in this scope
It seems 'penlift_penUp' and 'release motor was not declared,
need help.
Thank you