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Author Topic: Working on a new polarbot platform
Posts: 1
Post Working on a new polarbot platform
on: July 23, 2018, 19:21

Hi all, I've wanted to build a polarbot for a while. Then I saw the the Scribit Kickstarter and was dissapointed that it wasnt open source and didnt feel like paying for another kickstarter that I wasnt sure when it would arrive.

I have a MaslowCNC that works pretty well and I borrowed a lot of ideas and experience from it. I also looked around at the other drawbots around. They all seem to get to about POC stage and die off. Except for this community

So I thought this would be one to work with. Let me know if you;re interested in experimenting with new open source platform for this. trying to advance things a bit. I'm far enough along that I think it will happen. As interest grows I'll improve collaborative tools. Till then, this is what I have. I'll post a pic of what I have so far soon.


Posts: 1317
Post Re: Working on a new polarbot platform
on: July 24, 2018, 21:14

Hey there! Looks like a great start - having the motors moving on the outer ring is a good call in my opinion. I'm putting all my energy into the next Polargraph... But I am strongly tempted to move everything to the gondola and simplify the wiring that way. Where's the best place to watch for progress?


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