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Author Topic: Help with connection and sketch size
Posts: 4
Post Help with connection and sketch size
on: May 2, 2015, 17:23

Ok... I have to give up and ask for help...
I have an Arduino pro micro and two A4899 (step/dir) stepper driver.
Making a dummy sketch shows that the motors are driving as they should - thus no electronically problems. But now I am left at the gate of programming...
1) The sketch was modified to match step/dir (#define SERIAL_STEPPER_DRIVERS and also the one in the config have been changed as described.) and then it was to big for upload (it is 28.692 and I only have 28672) - I solved this by NOT including VECTOR_LINES. That is something I will look at later - suggestions are welcome.
2) The Arduino is sending READY every 2-3 sec on the comport (after my hack above) - but the controller program will not engage and shows polygraph is not connected (in red) and it stays like this for ever (only tried for minutes - forever is a long waiting time.).
I have selected the comport and yes it comes an goes as i plug and unplug the Arduino.
If I send C02,1,END from the Arduino serial monitor then it reply as expected. C26 works fine to.

Running firm. ver. 1.10.6 and win7. and have runed the program as administrator to - no luck.

3) A nice to know - how to you make the text and icons larger in the controller program? It is tiny and hard to see/hit with the mouse.

I might have missed something simple.... Please help.
Mogens Hinge

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Help with connection and sketch size
on: May 2, 2015, 18:48

Hello, the software is a bit opaque, not surprised it isn't completely straightforward.

Pop the debugging console open with ctrl+c and see what actually appears there when you select the com port in the interface. You might see an error message that means something.

Is it the code from the big code bundle? I've been doing some work on the polargraph_server_a1 code recently, and it is a bit more efficient on space now. I've not made up a new bundle because it's not really been tested very well, but you can try and download it from and test that if you want to squeeze more onto the arduino.

It won't fix your problem, and it might add new problems, so I'd recommend fixing this connection issue first.

Text size. Yes, it's small. I've been porting the controller to processing2 and the modern version of controlp5 recently (controlp5 is responsible for the GUI), and I hope that that might make text size modifications a bit easier. It's unlikely though.


Posts: 4
Post Re: Help with connection and sketch size
on: May 3, 2015, 06:08

Dear Sandy
Thank you for your fast reply.
On the size thing it seem to go from "almost there" to "no chance" by changing to the fimr V 2.0. But as you write ... later....
2) I opened the console and choose the comport. I got:
Disconnecting serial port.
About to connect to serial port in slot 0
Successfully connected to port COM41
and that's it - silences.
I have bonus info now - my arduino do not send anything when the polargraph connects to it now Tx blinking) but it do send when the Ardunio Serial is connected to it (Tx blinking). But it stops sending if I then reconnect the polargraph control and starts again when ti start the arduino serial???
Any suggestions?


Posts: 4
Post Re: Help with connection and sketch size
on: May 3, 2015, 06:16

I just tried with an old adruino I had lying around. That works and connects nicely. I will bin my Ardruino Pro micro and use the uno.

Thank you so much for your help and the very cool work that you have (and are doing) done on the polargraph - it is highly appreciated.

Have a wonderful day

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Help with connection and sketch size
on: May 3, 2015, 17:20

How frustrating! I suppose you know that the polargraph controller and the serial port can't connect at the same time? And do you connect with the serial monitor at 57600 baud?

Good to hear a regular uno works better, I think the small-form arduinos have a slightly different bootloader, but I don't see that it should make a difference once it's loaded. Hm, indeed.

Hope you have more luck in the future 🙂


Posts: 4
Post Re: Help with connection and sketch size
on: May 6, 2015, 06:31

Hi Sandy
Yes I know about the comports and baud rate - no problem.
I have now remade my electronics and made it as a shield to the uno - mounted the hole(y) thing on a wooden plate and I AM DRAWING- hurrraaayyy.
So no I am learning to use your program and the more time I use the better I get :-).
Now I am up for making these "shortestsalesmensrute" drawings as my first thing. Then I will redesign my setup for draving on whiteboards during my lectures in polymer chemistry - it is going to be so fun. And also making signs on the whiteboard in our fridaybar.... you se the fun never ends.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to "stand on your shoulder" - wonderful work -keep it up.


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