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Author Topic: motors jerking and shield hot
Posts: 2
Post motors jerking and shield hot
on: January 11, 2017, 15:41

hello everybody !
I am new on this site (and I do not speak fluent English, sorry if i made a mistake or if i'm not easily understandable)

i've been looking to make my polargraph for months and now i have all the materials under my hand, mostly recycling from other projects.

like sandy says there's lots of different ways of making a Polargraph machine, so there is mine up to now;
_i use a arduino uno with a low cost adafruit shield v1 like this one :

_for the firmware and the controller, i use the 2016-03-29 version i get from github long time ago.

_ the motors are 2 nema 17 200step/rev 12v

_and for power supply i'have a simple recycled 12v 2A

I have two problems, the first (which must be related to the second... maybe) the motors are jerking and making some weird noise
and more important the shield become hot quickly ... i don't find my mistake and after two days trying, i really need some help

Posts: 362
Post Re: motors jerking and shield hot
on: January 11, 2017, 21:21

Those motors at that voltage will draw much too much current. The shield was designed for motors that draw .6A each. It's tricky to get the current right; you need a voltage low enough to keep things cool but provide enough energy for the motors to have the torque you need. The window is very small. I used a v1 for a while with smaller motors and a much lower voltage, and I still needed to put an old rheostat (a potentiometer that could handle the current) in the line supplying power to fine tune the current.
Your life would easier if you bought a cheap Chinese RAMPS setup.
Or even something like the "CNC Shields" common on sites like Aliexpress (knock-offs of the Proteneer shield), but in that case you'd need to figure out the pin assignments. Both RAMPS and the CNC Shield use stepper drivers more appropriate to the motors you have.

Posts: 2
Post Re: motors jerking and shield hot
on: January 13, 2017, 13:27

I have a 1.4 RAMPS and an arduino mega under my hand (i get it from my 3d printer) i'll give it a try when i can get the cables to connect the motors on the ramps (this afternoon if i can)
I would keep you informed of what I can do and if I have other problems that appear
thank you Kongorilla 😉

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