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Author Topic: Motors pulsing very slowly
Posts: 1
Post Motors pulsing very slowly
on: December 29, 2016, 19:06

So I recently, decide to make a Polargraph and I have completed most of it but I am having trouble with the motors. I had them laying around from some past projects.
I am using.
Arduino Uno
Adafruit motor shield v2
Stepper Motor -(400 steps/rev) Rated Current: 1.7A/Phase
Power 12V DC 5A 5000mA Power Adapter Supply UL Listed Certified 2.1mm 5.5mm (also had on hand)
So I have everything set up and the controller moves the motors but they are super slow and pulsating, they pulse maybe once or twice a second. I have changed the MICROSTEP to INTERLEAVE this helps but on to make bigger movements still not smooth or fast. I have also tried doubling the base speed and acceleration. This seem to have no effect. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.

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