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Author Topic: page orientation problem
Posts: 13
Post page orientation problem
on: April 26, 2012, 12:31

So, the problem is that my motors are drawing image by 90° rotated. Have any ideas how to fix this?
In app i draw line from start to left, down, right, up
and machine makes move start to up,left, down , right

Posts: 1317
Post Re: page orientation problem
on: April 26, 2012, 13:37

Quote from mrucis on April 26, 2012, 12:31
In app i draw line from start to left, down, right, up
and machine makes move start to up,left, down , right

Mostly orientation problems are a wiring issue, but I can't quite figure out how in this case.

Left should be: CCW, CCW
actually (up): CCW, CW (motorB reversed)

Down should be: CW, CCW
actually (left): CCW, CCW (motorA reversed)

Right should be: CW, CW
actually (down): CW, CCW (motorB reversed)

Up should be: CCW, CW
actually (right): CW, CW (motorA reversed)

So in each move, one of the motors is reversed, but it's not the same one each time, so swapping the wire pairs of either motor won't fix it.

I suggest you disconnect your motors and check again which pairs of wires are in which winding, and double-check that you haven't got your pairs mixed. I can't really imagine what effect that might have, but it looks like you aren't getting good line quality either - might be worth a try.

Good luck!

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