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Author Topic: Pixel styles disappear when arduino connected
Posts: 3
Post Pixel styles disappear when arduino connected
on: February 3, 2013, 13:24

Hey there!

At first I would like to thank you for sharing your project.I made my version of it work yesterday and still feel kind of hypnotized watching it. And the software is amazing!

I have two questions, though:
In "dry mode", without the arduino (uno) connected to the pc I can choose from six pixel styles. If I connect the controller and open the "render pixels" dialog again, the styles "circle" and "sawtooth" have magically disappeared.
I use the firmware-package included in the Polargraph1.2.5 zip linked to instructables.
Are those styles a feature coming up in the future or do I probably lack a file?

on the left side the margin is kind of pulled to the inside (see picture), which is strange because the right side is perfect. I use two identical stepper/cord systems, after finishing the drawing the gondola found the home-point exactly, so no steps where missed.
Anybody got an idea?

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Pixel styles disappear when arduino connected
on: February 3, 2013, 21:54

Hi there, welcome, and nice drawing! If that's your first go, that's _very_ impressive!

The disappearing pixel modes is correct - the arduino uno based machine can't do circular or sawtooth pixels, so the controller hides them if it detects a machine that's running polargraph_server_a1. Actually, sawtooth doesn't even work, on any machine - it's just a placeholder that I keep forgetting to remove. Or implement!

Re your wonky left-hand margin. If I saw that on my own machine, I would assume I had mis-homed. The gondola was slightly further right, and slightly further up that the machine thinks it is. Too-high home point leads to a tapering bottom, left-to-right distortion is caused by being off-centre to begin with. That's my guess anyway.


Posts: 3
Post Re: Pixel styles disappear when arduino connected
on: February 3, 2013, 22:55

Hey Sandy,

thanks! It took about 13 hours, I simply wanted to know how much ink is there inside a giveaway pen 😉

Good to know that it is not my mistake, so I do not have to spend more time to fix it. I will take the leap into the vector-stuff to draw other pixel styles.
Throughout the day I played around a lot with the machine and got to the same solution. Being excited while setting up the polargraph, I may have been a bit rough with the measurements.
Anyway, thank you for your help. And your work!

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