Machine specs are uploaded. The stepper motors have stopped their intermittent working/not working. Now they've both got power/are fixed in place, it's just that they don't move.
The debug is repeating:
incoming: Ready_100
When I reset the MEGA I get:
incoming: READY_100
incoming: POLARGRAPH ON!
incoming: v1.66a
incoming: Loaded machine width:1300
incoming: Loaded machine height:1300
incoming: Loaded mm per rev:95.00
incoming: Loaded motor steps per rev:400
incoming: Loaded motor step multiplier:8
incoming: Loaded machine name:PGXXABCD
incoming: Loaded down pos:0
incoming: Loaded up pos:0
incoming: Recalc mmPerStep (0.03), stepsPerMM (33.68)
incoming: Recalc pageWidth in steps (43789)
incoming: Recalc pageHeight in steps (43789)
incoming: Card failed, or not present
incoming: READY_100
incoming: MEMORY,2276,END
incoming: READY_100
Which looks fine to me.
When I send an order ("move to point", then "set home") I get this:
Dispatching command: C01,4019,9578,END
Last command:C01,4019,9578,END:96557720
regenerating preview queue.
incoming: SYNC,4019,9578,END
incoming: Executed basic.
incoming: READY_100
regenerating preview queue.
Dispatching command: C09,2233,9007,END
Last command:C09,2233,9007,END:79001243
regenerating preview queue.
incoming: Engaged motors.
incoming: SYNC,2233,9007,END
incoming: Executed basic.
incoming: READY_100
Sorry I'm not giving more detail but I'm not sure what's pertinent and what isn't.