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Author Topic: Polargraph Construction Issues
Posts: 4
Post Polargraph Construction Issues
on: May 27, 2014, 20:02

So I've taken the plunge and decided to build my own Polargraph. I'm using an Arduino MEGA, Adafruit V1 motorshield, and two stepper motors (these, to be exact: ).

Everything seems to be wired together fine, with the Red/Yellow wires up top and the Green/Grey wires at the bottom on the shield. Before trying the Polargraph software I ran the AccelStepper "StepperTest" example. After a short pause one of my motors started moving back and forth as expected. I updated the firmware using Xloader and uploaded the Polargraph_Server_Mega sketch.

Now however both stepper motors do not move and only one of them even seems to be powered (i.e. is locked in place). Weirdly which one that is switches every time I reset the Arduino. So sometimes the left stepper motor is locked, sometimes the right one.

When I re-uploaded the "StepperTest" sketch to see if it was still working the stepper motor just made a "buzz buzz buzz" sound (same as when it was moving) but remained motionless.

I'm sure there's probably some obvious step I've missed, but if anybody has any clue what it might be then I'm open to suggestions. Thanks!

Posts: 4
Post Re: Polargraph Construction Issues
on: May 27, 2014, 20:58

Update: both stepper motors now have power and are locked in place. Now the only problem seems to be that neither one will move when I click "move pen to point" in the controller.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Polargraph Construction Issues
on: May 27, 2014, 22:54

Hello! Does the debug console reveal any errors? (ctrl-c to show the debug console).

Remember you need to upload machine spec too.

The intermittent works/doesn't-work is not possible to be a software problem, so have a close look at the shield itself - was it pre-assembled? Are you supplying power through the external EXT_PWR terminals? When you tested your example sketch, did both motors work, and through both channels?

polargraph_server_mega is an OLD bit of firmware, so it isn't that good, but it should still work ok.


Posts: 4
Post Re: Polargraph Construction Issues
on: May 28, 2014, 00:31

Machine specs are uploaded. The stepper motors have stopped their intermittent working/not working. Now they've both got power/are fixed in place, it's just that they don't move.

The debug is repeating:

incoming: Ready_100

When I reset the MEGA I get:

incoming: READY_100
incoming: POLARGRAPH ON!
incoming: v1.66a
incoming: Loaded machine width:1300
incoming: Loaded machine height:1300
incoming: Loaded mm per rev:95.00
incoming: Loaded motor steps per rev:400
incoming: Loaded motor step multiplier:8
incoming: Loaded machine name:PGXXABCD
incoming: Loaded down pos:0
incoming: Loaded up pos:0
incoming: Recalc mmPerStep (0.03), stepsPerMM (33.68)
incoming: Recalc pageWidth in steps (43789)
incoming: Recalc pageHeight in steps (43789)
incoming: Card failed, or not present
incoming: READY_100
incoming: MEMORY,2276,END
incoming: READY_100

Which looks fine to me.

When I send an order ("move to point", then "set home") I get this:

Dispatching command: C01,4019,9578,END
Last command:C01,4019,9578,END:96557720
regenerating preview queue.
incoming: SYNC,4019,9578,END
incoming: Executed basic.
incoming: READY_100
regenerating preview queue.
Dispatching command: C09,2233,9007,END
Last command:C09,2233,9007,END:79001243
regenerating preview queue.
incoming: Engaged motors.
incoming: SYNC,2233,9007,END
incoming: Executed basic.
incoming: READY_100

Sorry I'm not giving more detail but I'm not sure what's pertinent and what isn't.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Polargraph Construction Issues
on: May 28, 2014, 23:38

Annoyingly, it does look fine, you're right.

One thing is that nothing will move until you do a set home anyway, so that should always come first. I don't think that is the issue though, because I'm sure you tried both ways.

(Also not significant, but not correct either: Motorsteps per rev should be 800, and step multiplier should be 1.)

Try the regular polargraph_server_a1 firmware, see if that does anything.


Posts: 4
Post Re: Polargraph Construction Issues
on: June 2, 2014, 14:32

The intermittent works/doesn't-work is not possible to be a software problem

So I took this to heart and decided to get out my volt meter. Surprise surprise, looks like it was the cheap Adafruit clone motor shield. Changed it for an actual V1 and now everything works like a charm.

I'll hopefully be posting my results over the weekend.

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