Aye Kong's experience is the same as mine - I have 32 bit java, so only the 32bit precompiled controller works. Makelangelo is a java app though, so you must have at least one JRE installed properly and with the paths in the proper places. I guess which JRE it is doesn't matter too much (though java -version will tell you I think). So does javaw.exe open up a window, and just stay open, doing nothing?
One of the first things the app does when it starts is creates a default.properties.txt file, so for me, even if the gui doesn't open (when I try to run the 64 bit one), that file gets created before the program bombs out.
Something to note is that the makelangelo program doesn't run at all on this same machine, because I don't have java on the path - so I guess it isn't a java path-ing issue.
I admit I'm pretty unclear about how the executable version of the controller app actually becomes executable - it's a direct export from the Processing IDE, and I haven't ever delved in deeply to figure it out. Because it is a Processing app, you might find that throwing 'processing' and 'export application' into your search terms will help. Compiling and running from source (and all the library capers that involves) is always an option. Use Processing v1.5 and the versions of the libraries in the zip, if you're going down that path.
Would be great to hear if you have any success here, sorry I don't have a solution for you!