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Author Topic: Polargraph moves beyond page boundaries.
College AU
Posts: 7
Post Polargraph moves beyond page boundaries.
on: June 10, 2017, 11:33

Hey Everyone,
So my polargraph is up and running,
I have used a Arduino Mega ADK
I have Adafruit motor shield
and Nema 17 steppers.

I have been using the latest firmware and controller found on the website and where sandy pointed me to.

So my motors takes my pen up down left and right like a dream! i love it and it returns home with in 2-4mm of the last position which is awesome.

BUT and this is a big but when i set the page to a particular size (A4) the gondola moves WAY beyond the measurements of an A4 page.. it almost moves 2x further than its meant too..
the moves are drastic...

So i have the mm per rev set to 100mm as my spool is 100mm round.
the steps are 400,

and the multiplier is currently on 8, it was there when i started the app.. i did change it to 1 at one stage but it did crazy things when i did so.
I am not sure what the multiplier does so i left it as 8.

i changed all the paper sizes etc.. but it seems to just go SOOOO far past the page its not funny..

HELP what am i missing Sandy..


Posts: 1317
Post Re: Polargraph moves beyond page boundaries.
on: June 10, 2017, 12:15

Unless you've changed settings in configuration.ino, your machine will be set up to use the "interleaved" stepping style, so "steps per rev" should be set to double your motors' steps. I think your motors' steps are probably 200, so you should set steps-per-rev to 400.
Multiplier should be 1. (Step multiplier is used to deal with microstepping.)

That's all.

With the controller not running, change the values in the file, rather than use the UI to do it - it's quite easy to mess up other dimensions using the UI, and not notice.

Remember to upload machine spec.

You're doing everything right, except multiplier.

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