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Author Topic: Processing Connection Issue
Posts: 3
Post Processing Connection Issue
on: July 18, 2015, 09:19

I have previously built an UNO based Polargraph with little 28BYj-48 Steppers it worked great and very easy to get running.
Heres video of it
So after my initial success I am in the process of scaling it up and have got a Mega with Ramps 1.4 shield and a couple of NEMA 17's.
I managed to get past all the library errors and got polargraph_server_polarshield it to compile fine, but I could not connect from the Processing Sketch.
The output from the server on the serial port just repeated:
x: 1, Y: 1
x: 1, Y: 1
x: 1, Y: 1
... forever. Which I tracked down to be the end stops, I'm guessing since they are not installed they are not registering as having been hit?. So wondering if there is a way around that rather than comment out this code:
//while ((digitalRead(ENDSTOP_X_MIN) != 0) && (digitalRead(ENDSTOP_Y_MIN) != 0)) {
// Serial.print("X: ");
// Serial.print(digitalRead(ENDSTOP_X_MIN));
// Serial.print(", Y: ");
// Serial.println(digitalRead(ENDSTOP_Y_MIN));
From configuration.ino
After commenting out that code I got READY_200 on the serial connection however this did not solve the Processing sketch connection issue.

I have checked all the config's everything is set to MEGA/Ramps,
USE_LCD is not defined, Port is selected and Arduino is not blocking the port.
I am using a fresh copy of all the code from github on 17/17/2015 too.

If anyone can give me any clues to help me figure this out that would be great.

I am in the process of writing a perl based controller to run from a raspberry to see if I can send the gcode from that as I suspect it may be something to do with processing now so will report back if this is the case.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Processing Connection Issue
on: July 18, 2015, 09:47

Hi there, I think using the fresh copy was the mistake there - in any well-run project the master has the stable code on it, with polargraph_server_polarshield, your developer is very sloppy, and it has experimental code on master.

I've realised I've just packaged that up in the bundle too, so that's not cool. I'm going to fix that right away.

Second thing, the connection - I've just compiled that same checkout, with those lines commented out, and the controller connected fine. I think that is another issue. What happens when you try to connect? What do you see happening in the console? (ctrl-c, or look in the processing console if you're compiling from source.)


Posts: 1317
Post Re: Processing Connection Issue
on: July 18, 2015, 10:20

OK, I have just fixed up that release. You shouldn't need to comment things out any more.

The part is a lump of debugging code that I should have excised.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Processing Connection Issue
on: July 18, 2015, 10:28

Thanks for the fast reply Sandy.
I should have tried running the previous version as a sanity check, I just started up the old processing sketch and connects straight away.

Previously there was no error at all it just said:

Disconnecting serial port.
About to connect to serial port in slot 1
Successfully connected to port COM5

In the Java Console
and in the processing window says

Polargraph is not connected

Ill keep using the older controller for a while 🙂
Ill try the new code and let you know if it now works,

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Processing Connection Issue
on: July 18, 2015, 10:31

Hmm I hope I haven't broken the controller too somehow else, and _I'm_ using an older version too...

Yep, the change to the firmware was exactly that: I just commented those lines out. I'll try to get new developments happening on a branch instead of master in future. Sometimes I just get overexcited and can't help it.


Posts: 3
Post Re: Processing Connection Issue
on: July 18, 2015, 10:45

I can understand the excitement, all now works fine just downloaded the new version and updated the Mega.
I have all the bits for my bigger better version and about to cad them up so was a little dissapointed when things diddnt work as easy process to get the uno working.
But thanks to you I'm back on track.
I have some large 1200x2400 & 1200x1200 whiteboard panels I just had put into my design office and very keen to get a Polargraph on them.
A big thanks for your massive effort on this project BTW, really impressive, you must have put many thousands of hours into it.
I'll post some images when I have some big pictures on my wall.
For now they are only A3 sized which are'nt so impressive.

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