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Author Topic: Settings assist
Posts: 66
Post Settings assist
on: December 23, 2015, 11:21

My machine has been a little too unreliable lately. Beads skipping over the pulley. So I was trying to use strings instead of the ball-chain. As expected the values don't add up anymore as the strings build up the diameter.
So I was thinking if it was possible to have some fine tuning done in reverse order.
Shouldn't it be possible to manually go to each corner and determine the correct values for the settings from the four coordinates? I'd expect it to be a lot more precise than trying to measure the length with a ruler.
Just thinking... 🙂

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Settings assist
on: December 26, 2015, 17:28

If you use fine enough strings (I've got some nice spectra fishing line) then you might find the difference isn't too significant as it builds up, but yes it'll never be exact. Even if you calculate the diameter change, it'll only ever be an average, and each time the thread winds up it'd be slightly different anyway.

More precision is always better than less, but in machines like these, returns very quickly diminish. I'd just use a ruler 🙂


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