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ESP8266nu / ESPEasy
Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266
wemos / D1_mini_Examples
WeMos D1 & D1 mini Arduino Examples
chaeplin / esp8266_and_arduino
esp8266 mqtt node / esp8266
XRobots / BB82_public
BB8 Version 2!
ideo / avocado
An interaction design toolbox
sirleech / Webduino
Arduino WebServer library
samyk / usbdriveby
USBdriveby exploits the trust of USB devices by emulating an HID keyboard and mouse, installing a firewall-evading backdoor, and rerouting DNS within seconds of plugging it in
vheun / ArduinoPlaysTimberman
Arduino Plays Timberman
TKJElectronics / KalmanFilter
This is a Kalman filter used to calculate the angle, rate and bias from from the input of an accelerometer/magnetometer and a gyroscope.
ptrbrtz / razor-9dof-ahrs
AHRS Firmware for the SparkFun 9DOF Razor IMU and SparkFun 9DOF Sensor Stick
samyk / proxygambit
Anonymize and fracture network traffic/Internet access over a point-to-point wireless link or through TCP->GSM->wifi tunnel (advanced resurrection of ProxyHam)
gillham / logic_analyzer
Implementation of a SUMP compatible logic analyzer for the Arduino
scanlime / arduino-lelo-remote
Arduino library for remote-control Lelo vibrators
damellis / cellphone2
Second iteration of the DIY cellphone (based on the Arduino GSM shield).
TKJElectronics / Example-Sketch-for-IMU-including-Kalman-filter
Software for "Guide to gyro and accelerometer with Arduino including Kalman filtering"
JJulio / AHRobot
Air Hockey Robot Project
matsstaff / stc1000p
Programmable thermostat firmware and arduino based uploader for the STC-1000 thermostat
nickgammon / arduino_sketches
Publicly-released sketches for the Arduino microprocessor
knoy / iCloudHacker
Arduino code to brute force 4-digit iCloud PINs
kriswiner / MPU-9250
Arduino sketch for MPU-9250 9DoF with AHRS sensor fusion
samyk / combobreaker
Motorized, portable, 3D printed, Arduino-based combination lock cracker
openenergymonitor / emonTxFirmware
An open-source wireless energy monitoring node
adafruit / Raw-IR-decoder-for-Arduino
Take raw IR signal from a remote receiver and print out pulse lengths
mikalhart / TinyGPSPlus
A new, customizable Arduino NMEA parsing library
g3rard / OpenKnit
an open project about a digital knitting machine