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apache / spark
Mirror of Apache Spark
lagom / lagom
Reactive Microservices for the JVM
BuoyantIO / linkerd
A dynamic linker for microservices.
scala / scala
The Scala programming language
openwhisk / openwhisk
OpenWhisk is a cloud-first distributed event-based programming service.
akka / akka
Akka Project
playframework / playframework
Play Framework
yahoo / kafka-manager
A tool for managing Apache Kafka.
gitbucket / gitbucket
A Git platform powered by Scala with easy installation, high extensibility & github API compatibility
twitter / finagle
A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
openzipkin / zipkin
Zipkin is a distributed tracing system
eBay / Neutrino
Neutrino is a software load balancer(SLB)
fpinscala / fpinscala
Code, exercises, answers, and hints to go along with the book "Functional Programming in Scala"
mesosphere / marathon
Deploy and manage containers (including Docker) on top of Apache Mesos at scale.
rtyley / bfg-repo-cleaner
Removes large or troublesome blobs like git-filter-branch does, but faster. And written in Scala
getquill / quill
Compile-time Language Integrated Query for Scala
ornicar / lila
The forever free, adless and open source chess server.
cvogt / cbt
CBT - fun, fast, intuitive, compositional, statically checked builds written in Scala
scalaz / scalaz
An extension to the core Scala library for functional programming.
snowplow / snowplow
Enterprise-strength web, mobile and event analytics, powered by Hadoop, Kinesis, Redshift and Elasticsearch
typelevel / cats
Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming.
spark-jobserver / spark-jobserver
REST job server for Apache Spark
lampepfl / dotty
Research platform for new language concepts and compiler technologies for Scala.
tuplejump / FiloDB
Distributed. Columnar. Versioned. Streaming. SQL.
scala-js / scala-js
Scala.js, the Scala to JavaScript compiler