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autumnai / leaf
The Hacker's Machine Learning Engine
redox-os / redox
Redox: A Rust Operating System
rust-lang / rust
A safe, concurrent, practical language.
fengsp / pencil
A web application microframework for Rust
servo / webrender
A very incomplete proof of concept GPU renderer for Servo
withoutboats / notty
A new kind of terminal
kud1ing / awesome-rust
A curated list of Rust code and resources.
Ticki / termion
Library for manipulating terminals.
iron / iron
An Extensible, Concurrent Web Framework for Rust
carllerche / mio
Metal IO library for Rust
tomaka / vulkano
hyperium / hyper
An HTTP library for Rust
uutils / coreutils
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
anima-engine / mrusty
mruby safe bindings for Rust
ethcore / parity
Fast, light, robust Ethereum implementation
phildawes / racer
Rust Code Completion utility
autumnai / collenchyma
Extendable HPC-Framework for CUDA, OpenCL and common CPU
rustcc / RustPrimer
The Rust primer for beginners.
wireapp / proteus
Axolotl Protocol Implementation
rust-lang / cargo
The Rust package manager
m4b / dryad
An almost-parallel, semi-functioning, dynamic linker experiment, written in Rust
ebkalderon / amethyst
Data-oriented game engine written in Rust
tagua-vm / tagua-vm
Tagua VM is an experimental PHP Virtual Machine written with the Rust language and the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure.
sgrif / diesel
A safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust
tomaka / glium
Safe OpenGL wrapper for the Rust language.