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LoomSDK / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK, a native mobile app and game framework.
pixeldroid / spec-ls
a simple spec framework for Loom
Crwth / MultiMovieClip
LoomScript class to provide Starling-like MovieClip functionality with support for directions and actions. includes port of Starling MovieClip class.
SmilyOrg / CodenameSnowman
LudumDare 31 Game
themuflon / attrition
Ludum Dare 34
flimflamboyant / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK, a native mobile app and game framework.
jamesmintram / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK, a native mobile app and game framework.
amosl / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK, a native mobile app and game framework.
errmalt / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK, a native mobile app and game framework.
jdconley / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK, a native mobile app and game framework.
themuflon / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK, a native mobile app and game framework.
alex-z82 / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK, a native mobile app and game framework.
xpeng / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK, a native mobile app and game framework.
biddyweb / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK, a native mobile app and game framework.
24BitGames / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK, a native mobile app and game framework.
ellemenno / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK.
RichardRanft / LoomSDK
The Loom SDK.
ellemenno / json-ls
JSON helpers for Loom
pixeldroid / optionparser-ls
a simple option parser for Loom commandline apps
pixeldroid / json-ls
JSON helpers for Loom
ketaro / LoomPolyTest
Loom SDK Test Project
lunarraid / DogeCart
A simple mobile game build on the Loom SDK
Newtsuck / DashRunner
A simple platformer with dashing, made for Loom!
dtendr / TileDungeon
chongtianfeiyu / RunnerMark-Loom
Port of RunnerMark 2D Game Benchmark for Loom Engine