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50DKP / FF2-Official
Freak Fortress 2 is a one versus all mod for Team Fortress 2. It is the successor to the Vs. Saxton Hale plugin.
splewis / csgo-pug-setup
CS:GO Sourcemod plugin for easily setting up pug/10man games
splewis / csgo-multi-1v1
CS:GO Sourcemod plugin to create multi-1v1 arena servers
Lange / MGEMod
Comprehensive 1v1 training mod for Team Fortress 2
splewis / csgo-retakes
CS:GO Sourcemod plugin for a site-retake gamemode
bcserv / smlib
Function Stock Library for Sourcemod with over 350 new functions
govCMS / govCMS
Built for the new digital government
pawREP / CSGO-aim-heatmaps
server plugin and processing code to generate aim heatmaps fo csgo
ceLoFaN / hidenseek-csgo
Sourcemod HideNSeek plugin for CS:GO
Lange / SOAP-TF2DM
Team Deathmatch gameplay for Team Fortress 2
jonitaikaponi / ckSurf
ckSurf - CSGO Surf Timer
Maxximou5 / csgo-deathmatch
Enables deathmatch style gameplay (respawning, gun selection, spawn protection, etc).
oscar-broman / samp-weapon-config
A more consistent and responsive damage system with many new features
Misiur / YSI-Includes
Just the YSI include files, none of the extra stuff.
jaredballou / insurgency-sourcemod
alongubkin / store
Store plugin for SourceMod
goonpug / goonpug
CS:GO PUG plugin
peace-maker / smrpg
A generic RPG plugin for SourceMod
TheJelle / Spedit
SPEdit - A lightweight sourcepawn editor.
War3Source / War3Source
Primary repository for War3Source
Pottus / Texture-Studio
Stabbath / ProMod
Pro Mod // A Competitive L4D2 Config for LGOFNOC
Southclaw / progress2
A SA:MP UI library for rendering progress bars used to visualise all manner of data from health to a countdown timer.
oscar-broman / ppg
Pawn Playground
KHKKhalid / SAMPBulletproof
Bulletproof Gamemode is a SA-MP gamemode which is believed to take A/D and TDM to a new level.