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aymericdamien / TensorFlow-Examples
TensorFlow tutorials and code examples for beginners
rasbt / python-machine-learning-book
The "Python Machine Learning" book code repository and info resource
pkmital / tensorflow_tutorials
From the basics to slightly more interesting applications of Tensorflow
Russell91 / TensorBox
diefimov / MTH594_MachineLearning
The materials for the course MTH 594 Advanced data mining: theory and applications (Dmitry Efimov, American University of Sharjah)
maciejjaskowski / deep-q-learning
rlabbe / Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python
Kalman Filter book using Jupyter Notebook. Focuses on building intuition and experience, not formal proofs. Includes Kalman filters,extended Kalman filters, unscented Kalman filters, particle filters, and more. All exercises include solutions.
jupyter / docker-stacks
Opinionated stacks of ready-to-run Jupyter applications in Docker.
rainyear / pytips
Useful Python tips!
fluxcapacitor / pipeline
End-to-End, Real-time, Advanced Analytics Big Data Reference Pipeline using Spark, Spark SQL, Spark ML, GraphX, Spark Streaming, Kafka, NiFi, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Redis, Tachyon, HDFS, Zeppelin, iPython/Jupyter Notebook, Tableau, Twitter Algebird. See for Setup Instructions.
learnml / machine-learning-specialization
quantopian / pyfolio
Portfolio and risk analytics in Python
nivwusquorum / tensorflow-deepq
A deep Q learning demonstration using Google Tensorflow
GoogleCloudPlatform / datalab
Interactive tools and developer experiences for Big Data on Google Cloud Platform.
esokolov / ml-course-msu
Lecture notes and code for Machine Learning practical course on CMC MSU
tmbdev / ocropy
Python-based tools for document analysis and OCR
GPflow / GPflow
pymc-devs / pymc3
Probabilistic Programming in Python. Uses Theano as a backend and includes the NUTS sampler.
jakevdp / mpld3
D3 Renderings of Matplotlib Graphics
ipython-books / cookbook-code
Recipes of the IPython Cookbook, the definitive guide to high-performance scientific computing and data science in Python
yandex / rep
Machine Learning toolbox for Humans
justmarkham / DAT4
General Assembly's Data Science course in Washington, DC
numerical-mooc / numerical-mooc
A course in numerical methods with Python for engineers and scientists: currently 5 learning modules, with student assignments.
jupyter-incubator / dashboards
Jupyter Dynamic Dashboards from Notebooks
lmcinnes / hdbscan
A high performance implementation of HDBSCAN clustering.