Norwegian Creations drawbot

Just came across this brilliant drawing machine on Norwegian Creation’s blog.

What a handsome gondola!  And the quality of the drawing is beautiful – would love to have a peep at their software.  The enviable sharpness, I guess, is a product of the big brass weight that keeps the whole thing very tight.  It uses a variable-width line – but doesn’t seem to have identifiable “pixels” as such, I wonder how it does it.

12 thoughts on “Norwegian Creations drawbot

  1. Very spiffy all around. It would be nice to have a friend who’s a machinist, so I could design a nice steampunkish brass polargraph rig and have him/her fab it for me.

    I wonder how much that gondola weighs. I doubt my wee can-style steppers could dependably move it, especially without a counterweight.

    I’ve never tried drawing without the big plastic disc on my gondola. Their gondola doesn’t have one, but also seems to move very slowly. A timelapse they posted shows a modest size drawing taking almost ten hours.

    • I intended to not bother with the stabiliser on the last round of kits because it looks silly and I was getting decent results without it, but then someone (John Abella I think) had issues with his 3d printed gondola that were solved by adding the stabiliser back in, so I figured it was a borderline thing and safer to use it than not. I think you’re right that reliability under speed is probably the thing that the stabiliser helps with. I think that the distance of the moves are also significant – with very small movements the stabiliser won’t have any stabilising effect anyway.

      I’m not even entirely sure how it works. I’m sure hanging a great brass padlock off the bottom of the gondola would do a lot to keep things taut and perpendicular too, but like you say, we would need some beefier motors to do it.

      I really like that halftone quality though, using a variable width wave. Totally going to try something like that.

  2. Hi Sandy,
    I’m thinking of getting adafruits microSD breakout to make my own standalone machine. Should i add some buttons like your new remote? and if so can you tell me the schematic for the buttons to the mega. Thanks

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