Set up guides a-go-go

Today I am very pleased to report on a great looking and useful setup guide by forum member Gontiki.  He’s had lots of challenging questions and useful suggestions on the forum, and has written up and illustrated his experiences with a PolargraphSD vitamin kit.


Great, clear photographs (they make the kit look rather pro!), and good descriptions.  I know it’s shameful to be pointing people to other sites instead of updating my own documentation and things, but there it is.

But wait!

What’s that? Another setup blog?! Yes, Julio Terra has a couple of great posts on his blog too:

He’s setting up a drawing machine at The Lab (an interaction design team, part of a big architecture firm) in New York.  Great to see his thoughts, and I am dead keen to see what kind of stuff they get up to with it.

I’m actually really pleased (and relieved) that Gontiki and Julio are having good experiences with their kits.  It’s easy for me to send machines off into the wild in their boxes and fear the worst – that they sit half-assembled in a drawer, amongst the dust of other disappointments and failed projects.  So this kind of positive feedback does me so much good, as well as being great for the project – the more people there are showing exactly how simple (and exactly how complicated) it is to set up a machine, the better.

So thank you for the therapy.


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