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Author Topic: stepper with no tourque - motor driver issues?
Posts: 9
Post stepper with no tourque - motor driver issues?
on: April 24, 2014, 07:24

See updates
[[My problem: the left side of my machine remains loose when I power up the stepper motors. This was happening intermittently but now seems to been much more persistent a problem. The forum has info on this type of symptom but none of the remedies seem to be working. ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED!]]
(update: they are now both unable or unwilling to initiate)

I have checked the motor coils for shorts - the wiring and motors have been switched proving that they are not responsible - yet still this problem persists // at this point I have disassembled and looked for shorts from motorsheild underside to USB connector as well

- Losing my mind trying to isolate this-
I have used the polargraph since it arrived and have felt like the motors did run pretty hot but didn't think anything of it because it is one of the tested kits - wondering if the steppers are damaged because now BOTH are not initiating

My polargraph was purchased complete and tested from sandy just a few months ago - I am on like 1.7 something

- Everything still works - the motor coils/pins are super sensitive + possible controller errors as well

alright - after disassembling again and setting the entire thing up on an elevated desk for the 2nd time as well I am able to kick them into motion! However I am still having the left one drop out /// running the same vector through that is dropping out on the left at the same point each time @ 100% (ie without rescaling) as I have encountered other errors with the controller apps scaling before -am now naturally suspicious of it & only plan on running vectors through without rescaling in controller if this works correctly

UPDATE 3: Adventures in shortsville

I have found consistent functionality through the "desk method" (I have the controller laying out on a pice of cardboard that is affixed to a tube that is in turn taped to a chair for stability). The other errors I was noticing seem to be from the controller applications scaling functionality. I have combatted this by only making sizing changes within illustrator. In the event that I choose to be risky and change scale with the controller I limit it to 20% in either direction. It is also worth noting that there is a size diference with my file size vs what the controller puts out (slight increase in size). This may be because my step multiplier is 4. I keep it at 4 because I am warping the workspace (I measured this by manually outlining areas) with any other value in the multiplier. So to be clear the measured workspace is perfect this way - but my files seem to be interpolated slightly larger than they are/ I compensate by bouncing back to AI when I need a quick fix

Thanks for reading,


Posts: 1317
Post Re: stepper with no tourque - motor driver issues?
on: April 24, 2014, 23:05

Hello! Sorry you're having these problems. I've had very hot motors before (smell of melting insulation hot), with no ill effects, but anything is possible.

Let me just run through a couple of things

You switched the motors and the cables, and it's always the motor that's on the left-hand 'channel' that cuts out? That's good, I think you're right that it means the motors and cables themselves are ok.

If so, my first guess is the driver or the wiring / assembly is duff on the left side. One thing to try might be to switch the motor drivers boards themselves around. Taking the drivers out and re-seating them will do no harm either. If the right-hand side motor starts cutting out, then it's definitely a faulty driver. If the left hand motor continues to cut out, then it might be a driver, or it might just be a faulty polarshield. A little bit of corrosion or oxidisation building up over the months.

I am positive that it will be nothing directly that the controller is doing - in the sense that all the controller can do is generate simple commands - there isn't even a command for 'release motor'. It is possible that a particular move causes a divide by zero fault, or something like that (though very unlikely), but again, there is no area of logic in the firmware where one motor is released independently of the other, so even if it were being triggered accidentally, it'd be both, or nothing.

It sounds like a short to me. When I forget to insulate the top of the USB connector on the arduino, then that is the same symptom (ish) - intermittent power loss.

It's interesting that it is the same point where it cuts out. Any chance you could try turning the speed down, and see if it's the same point in the drawing, or the same time from start that is key?

If you can confirm to me that both motors and cables seem to be working, I can try to scrape together a pack of spares for you, but I'll contact you privately about that.

thanks for your patience

Posts: 9
Post Re: stepper with no tourque - motor driver issues?
on: May 9, 2014, 19:37

my other thread with some test results

Posts: 9
Post Re: stepper with no tourque - motor driver issues?
on: May 14, 2014, 14:53




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