this is kind of a follow up to this discussion:
But as it is slightly different, I thought I start a new topic now:
After some experimenting with other drawing styles I got back to my pixelation "problem"....and tadaaa: new surprises! 🙂
I know that you changed something in the preview settings, as it runs MUCH faster now (thanks!) 🙂 ....but it seems to have influence on how SVGs actually get drawn...
I took the exact same SVG I generated through Illustrator (one with rectangles (upper) and the other one with circles (lower)) and generated the code once for each in 2.1.1 and 2.3.0.
I didn't screenshot the vector path preview..but already the preview of the file looks very different in both versions...and it gets exactly drawn like in the preview of 2.3.0 (also loading of the same vector file in 2.3.0 takes much longer....so I guess you some pre-processing?)
Somehow the circles-version looks very circular now when actually drawn from version 2.1.1 (no jittery saw-tooth circle problem, weird...) and in version 2.3.0 they are little hexagons...in the preview AND actually drawn out....(love the result though! 😀 )
In both polargraphcontroller versions I changed the setting to RS.UNIFORMLENGTH and both run the 1600 revs settings....
So my question:
Can I actually change it "easily" and temporarily back somewhere in the settings or the code, that circles get processed with more control points and not just 6? I mean I don't really mind as I can still use the 2.1.1. but at one point you might be so far off in the future that it won't work anymore, so I would like to be prepared 😎
And many thanks Sandy for your continuous great efforts and work on the Polargraph! So much appreciated!