Well that is kind of good news because it makes it clear that it's something to do with state rather than something broken.
Investigating sleep mode is a start though - I wonder if there's something being unset when it goes to sleep that doesn't get reset when it starts up again. I will start a proper bug hunt now I know it's not a one-off. Yes, there is a sleep mode 🙂 It cuts power to the motors after something like 10 minutes of inactivity - it raises the pen, then just lets go. It's because holding the pen in one place can lead to the motors heating up. They aren't going to catch fire or anything, but they could soften the plastic of the sprockets. Personally I like to raise the pen and then draw it into the centre at the end of a drawing, so that when the motor cuts out it doesn't whizz back uncontrolled.
In my experience, the oscillations that lead to hot motors have been to do with trying to hold the motors in a position in between steps while microstepping. When I first started using the microstepping drivers I had this, but it should never happen now - it should always finish and start on a full step. That's what the step multiplier is for - the controller supplies the position in full steps, but internally that value is multiplied by 8 (step multiplier) to make the movement smooth.
The other thing that leads to bad motor behaviour is having the current turned up too high on them. The little adjustment screw on the motor drivers themselves controls this, and putting it up too high (clockwise) makes the motors hot, noisy and angry - over-driven. They really snap from step to step rather than microstepping, but I can't imagine that that is your issue either.
I'm keen to sort this out, so if you manage to replicate the behaviour, please let me know what the trick is. I will do the same.
OK, roving: A verb, to rove, that is, to move around an area, somewhat autonomously. It probably isn't the best word to use, but in this case, it is used to describe a couple of features that involve configuring a particular area as "live" and telling the machine to restrict it's drawing to that area. There's couple of entries about it here on the site:
If you can think of a better name, I'm open to suggestions 🙂