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Author Topic: Suddenly wrong speed
Posts: 24
Post Suddenly wrong speed
on: January 27, 2013, 01:10

I have my hardware happily working and started to play with the (and I have do admit I do not understand it yet).

At the beginning the gondola was moving at a reasonable speed, but suddenly, while setting the parameters for the machine, the movement got infinite slow and it does not matter what I try (reset EEPROM, upload the machine specs), I don't get the normal speed back. Here are my settings so far:

For example if I make a MOVE DIRECT, I see the command BUSY: C17,2028,2066,20,END.

C26 command gives:

0. 132
1. 3
2. 112
3. 3
4. 80
5. 71
6. 88
7. 88
8. 65
9. 66
10. 67
11. 68
12. 0
13. 0
14. 95
15. 0
16. 144
17. 1
18. 8
19. 0
Executed basic.

Any idea what I am doing wrong? Even after hours of trying I can't solve it.

Posts: 362
Post Re: Suddenly wrong speed
on: January 27, 2013, 05:04

Does "infinite slow" mean you are seeing very slow movement, or, is there no movement and the command that's "BUSY" never completes?

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Suddenly wrong speed
on: January 27, 2013, 16:48

I suppose you've tried changing the maxspeed and the acceleration speed? Either by re-sending the values from the controller or by tweaking them through the touchscreen interface. Vector drawing ("draw direct") will always be slower than regular moves, but I've had at least one occasion when vector drawing suddenly turned slow. It moved, but almost imperceptibly, only a couple of motor steps a second.

I never got to the bottom of it, and I was busy trying to fix other things so I was never sure if it was a real problem or just a symptom of messing around. It went away after the next reload of the firmware - but the changes in the firmware did not contain any intentional changes to do with that side of things.


Posts: 24
Post Re: Suddenly wrong speed
on: January 27, 2013, 17:51

Okay, "infinite slow" means indeed a few steps per second, as Sandy writes. Speed / acceleration is 600/400, I did not play with that.

I am still not sure if it is a software bug or if it's me (it's probably me), since now I realize MOVE PEN TO POINT (C01) works fine and fits to the settings of the machine & page, but MOVE DIRECT (C17) is infinite slow.

I will do more testing ...

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Suddenly wrong speed
on: January 27, 2013, 20:49

I'm curious - could you try bumping the acceleration up high, 1500 or so? There is a link between the regular acceleration speed and the speed used for vector drawing, but it's always been a bit weird.


Posts: 24
Post Re: Suddenly wrong speed
on: January 27, 2013, 22:25

Now, that is really wired: After my last post I quit the Controller app in total frustration 😉 and left that bloody machine 😉 alone hanging on its drawing board as it was (i.e. didn't switch it off). As a reaction, the polargraph ignored me too and went into sleep mode (right, there is a sleep mode?).

Now seeing your post, I started the controller again (which resets the Arduino), enabled the command queue and immediately clicked MOVE DIRECT and you know what? I moved with regular speed! Sure, now it works with ACCEL 1500. I even can DRAW VECTORS.

I agree with you, that is probably not easy to track down this error. I had even situation, where the stepper after a while in the home position started "vibrate" (like one step forward, one step backwards) and got hot by this.

Let's see, tomorrow I will try it again ...

ps: BTW - what for is the ROVING tab? Sorry, I even don't understand the word and the dictionary doesn't help me either.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Suddenly wrong speed
on: January 27, 2013, 23:31

Well that is kind of good news because it makes it clear that it's something to do with state rather than something broken.

Investigating sleep mode is a start though - I wonder if there's something being unset when it goes to sleep that doesn't get reset when it starts up again. I will start a proper bug hunt now I know it's not a one-off. Yes, there is a sleep mode 🙂 It cuts power to the motors after something like 10 minutes of inactivity - it raises the pen, then just lets go. It's because holding the pen in one place can lead to the motors heating up. They aren't going to catch fire or anything, but they could soften the plastic of the sprockets. Personally I like to raise the pen and then draw it into the centre at the end of a drawing, so that when the motor cuts out it doesn't whizz back uncontrolled.

In my experience, the oscillations that lead to hot motors have been to do with trying to hold the motors in a position in between steps while microstepping. When I first started using the microstepping drivers I had this, but it should never happen now - it should always finish and start on a full step. That's what the step multiplier is for - the controller supplies the position in full steps, but internally that value is multiplied by 8 (step multiplier) to make the movement smooth.

The other thing that leads to bad motor behaviour is having the current turned up too high on them. The little adjustment screw on the motor drivers themselves controls this, and putting it up too high (clockwise) makes the motors hot, noisy and angry - over-driven. They really snap from step to step rather than microstepping, but I can't imagine that that is your issue either.

I'm keen to sort this out, so if you manage to replicate the behaviour, please let me know what the trick is. I will do the same.

OK, roving: A verb, to rove, that is, to move around an area, somewhat autonomously. It probably isn't the best word to use, but in this case, it is used to describe a couple of features that involve configuring a particular area as "live" and telling the machine to restrict it's drawing to that area. There's couple of entries about it here on the site:

If you can think of a better name, I'm open to suggestions 🙂


Posts: 24
Post Re: Suddenly wrong speed
on: January 28, 2013, 22:13

I started to draw and it worked nicely (a very meditative sound from the steppers), but after about 10 minutes the oscillation started again. I never changed anything on the potentiometer of the stepper, they are as they came. But now knowing that the current is an issue, and since I have a variable power supply, I changed the supply voltage (7 +/-1 Volt) and indeed it makes a difference. For me it looks pretty sensitive (but with steppers I am an absolute newbie). Anyway, this power supply turns out to be too weak and unstable and I am going to replace it with something better before I continue.

Thanks for the links (and of course for your patients at all).

Posts: 24
Post Re: Suddenly wrong speed
on: February 9, 2013, 20:38

Hi Sandy,

After a busy week I am back in the game.

Finally my Polargraph is up and running, and beside this initial speed problem (which never happened again), the whole building of the machine was straight forward and hassle-free - even for a newbie. Again, thanks a lot for making public this project.

Two tiny questions remain:

a) At the moment I run my stepper with 8 Volts to avoid those oscillations, but after about an hour of drawing I measure up to 50 °C temperature for the stepper. For me this is a little bit high?

b) If I want to run the machine only with the polarshield, how do I set the home point?

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Suddenly wrong speed
on: February 10, 2013, 00:50

Good o, temperature: I've had worse, but thats probably no comfort. The PLA sprockets I used to use softened with the heat eventually, and started slipping, but with the slot in the motor shaft, and the ABS sprockets, I haven't had those problems since. I usually run at 7.5v. The only thing to do is to try and adjust the current pot on the motor drivers so they use a little less juice, and still have some good grip.

Disconnected use: I always make sure that my first command in a saved script is a "set home", so I move it physically, then press "motors on" to lock them, then "draw from sd" to get it going. You could always decouple it from the drawing by having a separate "set home" script on the SD, that you run manually before each drawing script.


Posts: 24
Post Re: Suddenly wrong speed
on: February 10, 2013, 02:34

So, I am not completely off. Maybe I put that thing on the balcony, we should have the coldest night of this winter. 😉

Okay, that home command will do, but I wonder if there is a particular reason why there is no home button on the Polarshield (except your time) or why it is not coupled with the "motors on" button?

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Suddenly wrong speed
on: February 10, 2013, 11:33

The machine itself is not aware of any such thing as "home", which is why there can't be a "set home" on it. I did think that it probably should be on it somewhere, but I've placed the emphasis on flexibility of use rather than speed of use, or streamlined workflow. I'm not clear what workflow would require a "set home" in isolation - either its connected with USB and so set home can be issued easily from the controller, or its standalone, and you're about to set off a big script and set home would be the first command in t,hat script. Where do you see it fitting in?


Posts: 24
Post Re: Suddenly wrong speed
on: February 10, 2013, 22:17

I think I see your argument and maybe I just use the wrong name for what I want to do:

Without any connection to a PC I want to switch on the server (or I have to reset it when I put in a SD card), hold the gondola at the home position, press MOTOR ON which keeps the gondola in place and then I would press the HOME button to tell the server that the gondola is at the home position (like having the command in the file). Then I would choose a command file to draw.

The server anyway knows about the machine size or pen size or other parameters, why it can not know which are my home coordinates? So I would add them to the UPLOAD MACHINE SPECS command.

There are other discussions in the forum about using end switches to get some zero or home position, and this one would be just an easy manual approach.

Sure, your solution works as well, just this would add some extra comfort. 😉


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