1-Intro to Parts / 2-Bottom Plate / 3-Side Plates / 4-Front Plate / 5-Right Plate / 6-Wiring / 7-Top Plate / 8-Wheels / 9-Back Plate
Wiring the Ultrasonic Sensor
Using a 4way Jumper Cable, connect it to the Ultrasonic Sensor as shown.
Brown to GND. Orange to Echo. Yellow to Trig. Red to Vcc.
Brown to GND. Orange to Echo. Yellow to Trig. Red to Vcc.
Attaching the Face Plate
Next, push the Ultrasonic 'eyes' through the holes in the Face Plate. This will be a tight fit so some pushing force will be needed. Be sure the line the eye's up correctly and push evenly on the back of the board.
Bend the Jumper Cable upwards to make it a little more flexible, this will make it easier to attach to the rest of the body.
1. Push the Front Plate into the rest of the body assembly with the Jumper cables pointing upwards.
2. Thread two large nuts onto two large screws as shown.
3-4. Place the nuts into the nut traps and tighten.
2. Thread two large nuts onto two large screws as shown.
3-4. Place the nuts into the nut traps and tighten.