Theremin (miniBloq)


A theremin is a musical instrument that is played by holding your hand in front of a sensor. The farther out from the sensor, the higher the tone. Today, we’re going to make Sparki into a theramin, using the ultrasonic range finder as input, and the buzzer as output.  

What will you need


How It Works

This program makes Sparki into a theremin, using Sparki’s ultrasonic distance sensor to measure the hand distance, and the buzzer to play the tone: If you play around a bit with the number which multiplies the sensor readings from the ultrasonic sensor block, and with the duration of the notes, you can get different sounds:  

Related lessons

If you have enjoyed what you have learned here, and if you did not read it yet, you may find interesting the other lesson about making music that we have implemented with Sparki: Making Music with the Accelerometer.  

SparkiDuino Programming Environment

This lesson is also available for the SparkiDuino Programming Environment. SparkiDuino will allow you to program your Sparki using starndard Arduino syntax.