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  1. jeromeetienne / tquery

    extension system for three.js

    AGS Script • Built by @jeromeetienne @jeetee @unconed @matthewp @paulirish

  2. KonradIT / autoexechack

    Autoexec hack is a copilation of hacks for GoPro Cameras, like a GHDK (GoPro Hack Developer Kit).

    AGS Script • Built by @KonradIT @Chernowii @gultan

  3. funneld / XiaomiYi

    Collection of various improvements for XiaomiYi action camera

    AGS Script • Built by @funneld

  4. PJanisio / Xiaomi_Yi_autoexec

    Compilation of autoexec scripts and mods for Xiaomi Yi camera

    AGS Script • Built by @PJanisio

  5. asalga / XB-PointStream

    A WebGL library for streaming 3D point clouds

    AGS Script • Built by @asalga @aSydiK

  6. akosma / eBook-Template

    Template to create PDF, ePub and Kindle books with Asciidoc and dblatex

    AGS Script • Built by @akosma

  7. henjo / pycircuit

    Circuit analysis environment for Python

    AGS Script • Built by @henjo @dreyfert @taimurgibran @michaelnt @dbit

  8. SecurityInnovation / PGPy

    Pretty Good Privacy for Python

    AGS Script • Built by @Commod0re @palbee

  9. cmars / hockeypuck

    OpenPGP Key Server (main development is in

    AGS Script • Built by @cmars @georgebrock @kisom @ebroder @dustinkirkland

  10. roryk / quantum-diceware

    Diceware random password generation using the ANU quantum random number server as the randomness source

    AGS Script • Built by @roryk @grahams

  11. emanchado / camino-mejor-programador

    Libro "El camino a un mejor programador"

    AGS Script • Built by @emanchado @jcaraballo @ydarias @eamodeorubio @carlosble

  12. arachnidlabs / tsunami

    AVR based, arduino-compatible signal generator and frequency analyzer

    AGS Script • Built by @Arachnid @DrLuke

  13. hodefoting / 0xA000

    Tile/Component based font generator

    AGS Script • Built by @hodefoting

  14. Bit-Nation / World-Citizenship

    Globally orientated citizenship with private passport services using available cryptographic tools

    • Built by @MrChrisJ @m0se @JackScottie @bitcoinsSG

  15. emsec / SCATools

    Open tools for side-channel analysis and related techniques. Currently, this repository contains: 1) A near-field EM probe amplifier circuit

    AGS Script • Built by @emsec @david-oswald

  16. myriadrf / A2300

    MIMO platform for advanced communications and PNT applications

    AGS Script • Built by @michaelld @mbmathews @invalid-email-address @9600

  17. hypoxic / hero4-session

    Various GoPro HERO4 Session Scripts and information

    AGS Script • Built by @hypoxic @KonradIT

  18. simeonf / sqlalchemy-tutorial

    Sample code and slides for an SQL Alchemy ORM tutorial

    AGS Script • Built by @simeonf

  19. TRACMASS / tracmass

    Lagrangian particle tracking code.

    AGS Script • Built by @brorfred @joakimkjellsson @doos

  20. Malurth / Auto-2-day-HCCS

    KoLmafia script to automate 2-day Hardcore Community Service

    AGS Script • Built by @Malurth @RESPRiT @soolar

  21. ufpb-computacao / introducao-a-programacao-livro

    Livro da Disciplina de Introdução a programação - Primeiro Período

    AGS Script • Built by @edusantana @tautologico @drousy @bjeffjp @camyle

  22. rapid7 / embedded-tools

    AGS Script •

  23. Sakura-IT / AmiExtFDD

    Interface allowing connection of unmodified floppy drives to Amiga, externally.

    AGS Script • Built by @rkujawa @jarob10

  24. Ezandora / Guide

    Relay script for KoLmafia, for the web game Kingdom of Loathing. Gives advice on how to play.

    AGS Script • Built by @Ezandora

  25. OpenSourceBrain / BlueBrainProjectShowcase

    A project to illustrate how models and data from the Blue Brain Project can be converted to NeuroML and PyNN

    AGS Script • Built by @pgleeson @wvangeit

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