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  1. Icinga / puppet-icinga2

    GIT Mirror & Releases for Icinga 2 Puppet Module

    Puppet • Built by @nickchappell @lazyfrosch @smbambling @cropalato @arioch

  2. puppetlabs / puppetlabs-puppetdb

    A puppet module for installing and managing puppetdb

    Puppet • Built by @kbarber @cprice404 @ajroetker @wkalt @ghoneycutt

  3. dj-wasabi / puppet-zabbix

    Puppet module for creating and maintaining zabbix components with puppet.

    Puppet • Built by @dj-wasabi @ericsysmin @genebean @rnelson0 @lucas42

  4. example42 / puppet-yum

    Puppet module for Yum

    Puppet • Built by @alvagante @gwarf @mburger @aripringle @gabrielbull

  5. vagrantpress / vagrantpress

    A WordPress Development Environment With Vagrant/Puppet

    Puppet • Built by @battlemidget @chad-thompson @clubdeuce @johnstonian @mschuett

  6. dirkaholic / vagrant-php-dev-box

    Basic PHP development box using vagrant based on Ubuntu Precise with Nginx, php-fpm, MongoDB, ...

    Puppet • Built by @dirkaholic @jrobeson @falexandrou @gitter-badger

  7. jordansissel / puppet-examples

    A collection of advanced puppet examples

    Puppet • Built by @jordansissel @tabletcorry

  8. irmantas / symfony2-vagrant

    Symfony2 Vagrant development setup with Nginx, MySQL,PhpMyAdmin, MongoDb and other handfull tools

    Puppet • Built by @irmantas @Ph3nol @nicolas-bastien @mfn @numediaweb

  9. blt04 / puppet-rvm

    A puppet module for installing and using RVM (Ruby Version Manager)

    Puppet • Built by @blt04 @brettporter @heffergm @carlossg @fritz

  10. hilverd / vagrant-ubuntu-oracle-xe

    Install Oracle 11g XE in a Vagrant virtual machine running Ubuntu 12.04

    Puppet • Built by @hilverd @buckett @cwalker67 @rjdkolb @nblair

  11. TryGhost / Ghost-Vagrant

    Vagrant setup for developing Ghost

    Puppet • Built by @ErisDS @jgable @mike182uk @sebgie @jaswilli

  12. elasticdog / puppet-sandbox

    A Vagrant-based Puppet development environment for creating new modules

    Puppet • Built by @elasticdog @sp-guillem-anguera @phinze @patux @LongLiveCHIEF

  13. Aboalarm / devbox

    Vagrant Development Box for PHP/Laravel

    Puppet • Built by @stefanneubig @webbie @gr2m @effenberger @sidneywidmer

  14. cmoore4 / phalcon-rest

    A Base project for APIs using the Phalcon framework

    Puppet • Built by @cmoore4 @Archcry

  15. MarcelloDuarte / hexagonal-symfony

    Sandbox for experimenting with Cockburn's hexagonal ideas with Symfony2

    Puppet • Built by @MarcelloDuarte @cordoval @michalpipa @tvlooy @liuggio

  16. stankevich / puppet-python

    Puppet module for installing and managing Python, pip, virtualenvs and Gunicorn virtual hosts.

    Puppet • Built by @shivapoudel @stankevich @petems @fgimian @ghoneycutt

  17. example42 / puppi

    Puppet module to manage applications deployments and servers local management

    Puppet • Built by @alvagante @k9ert @sathieu @MalteJ @joek

  18. AnthonyNystrom / python-dev-bootstrap

    A Vagrant VM based Python Development Bootstrap

    Puppet • Built by @AnthonyNystrom @mgarabed @oromero @koder-ua @Leon0824

  19. amaia / rails-starter-box

    Base Vagrant box for development of Rails apps

    Puppet • Built by @amaia @voronoipotato

  20. garethr / pentesting-playground

    Code for installing various security minded tools onto Vagrant powered virtual machines

    Puppet • Built by @garethr @mestizo

  21. alup / puppet-rbenv

    Puppet manifest for rbenv installation

    Puppet • Built by @alup @fgrehm @vjt @intjonathan @lglenn

  22. tierra / wp-vagrant

    WordPress Vagrant boxes for testing PHP 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5

    Puppet • Built by @tierra

  23. openstack-dev / devstack-vagrant

    Vagrant scripts to build local devstack environments

    Puppet • Built by @berendt @sdague @patux @cdent @miurahr

  24. rtyler / puppet-jenkins

    Puppet module for Jenkins

    Puppet • Built by @rtyler

  25. openstack-infra / system-config

    Puppet • Built by @cboylan @emonty @fungi @jeblair @ajaeger

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