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google / classp
Classp -- a classier way to parse
bleibig / rust-grammar
LALR grammar and parser for Rust using flex and bison
halogenandtoast / reconstructing-ruby
Ruby implementation for the blog post series
dagit / language-fortran
Haskell parser and manipulation functions for Fortran code
facebookarchive / xhp-php5-extension
A PHP5 extension that augments the syntax of the language such that XML document fragments become valid PHP expressions.
lindenb / newicktools
Misc tools for newick format
soforth / sql-parser
golang version of SQL parser, substential copy-and-past from the book <flex & bison>
javierhonduco / dragon
just a compiler playground
yasuoka / logcut
cut the log by datetime quickly
ghulette / happy-example
A very simple example of how to use Alex and Happy to build a language processor in Haskell.
nicolas-grekas / Parser
kmyacc based parser in PHP
Psicodelico / Compilador-C88
Language C to Intel 8088.
linusyang / piano
An easy music score translator
FMCalisto / calculatorWithVariables
Calculator with Variables
sarsanaee / Simple-C-Compiler
This is a simple C compiler that created with lex and yacc and it is my compiler design course project :)
lkuper / aw
The littlest interpreter for the littlest language
ligurio / tap-parser
TAP (Test Anything Protocol) parser written using YACC and Lex
Franderg / compilador
toroidal-code / language-bison
Bison syntax definition for the Atom editor
vendisky / Compiler-Principles-Project-2
SJTU Compiler Principles Project 2, Fall 2013
rodarima / pl
[FIC] Procesamiento de Lenguajes
leonixyz / sunday-lang
The language for foggy sundays
hchunhui / mips-as
a MIPS subset assembler
bert-t / systemverilog_vhdl_tools_collection
jcolag / Prim
The Prim programming language, based on the set of Primitive Recursive functions