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zdia / gorilla
Password Gorilla manages passwords
trentm / restdown
Pretty REST API docs authored in Markdown
dbohdan / sqawk
An SQL Awk with table joins
koto / mosquito
XSS exploitation tool - access victims through HTTP proxy
cool-RR / PythonTurtle
A learning environment for Python suited for beginners and children, inspired by Logo.
AE9RB / ruby-redis
Ruby implementation of Redis server and client protocol in EventMachine with Synchrony support.
efrecon / machinery
Easily control entire docker-machine based clusters from the command-line.
flightaware / piaware
Client-side package and programs for forwarding ADS-B data to FlightAware
imunes / imunes
Integrated Multiprotocol Network Emulator/Simulator
dengmin / logpress-tornado
antirez / Bigdis
Bigdis - a file-based KV store speaking the Redis protocol
bammv / sguil
Sguil client for NSM
ellson / webdot
cgi for renderiing graphs as images to web pages from URLs that define graphs using the 'DOT' language
developmentseed / slingshotSMS
A tiny RESTful modem server
MaskRay / Config
My config for gentoo linux, xmonad, vim, emacs, git, mutt, newsbeuter, tmux, pentadactyl, npm, idesk, xbindkeys, ...
adasilva / journal2ebook
optimize academic pdfs for e-readers
Xilinx / XilinxTclStore
Xilinx Tcl Store
ericvh / 9p-rfc
RFC and standards documents relating the 9P protocol (and its extensions and applications)
stepan-mitkin / drakon_editor
appcelerator-modules / ti.imagefactory
The ImageFactory Module for Appcelerator Titanium
antirez / partitions
Partitions.tcl is a Tcl program to simulate partitions between physical hosts
exherb / icons
generate icons for apps
horgh / twitter-tcl
An eggdrop Tcl script that acts as a Twitter client/bridge. Also includes an OAuth library for authenticating with Twitter
jamesoff / bmotion
An Artificial Stupidity script for eggdrop bots
appcelerator-modules / ti.flurry
The Flurry Analytics Module for Appcelerator Titanium