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rmcardle / mRemoteNG
mRemoteNG is the next generation of mRemote, open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager.
VBA-tools / VBA-Web
VBA-Web: Connect VBA, Excel, Access, and Office for Windows and Mac to web services and the web
seanyeh / vibreoffice
Vi Mode for LibreOffice/OpenOffice
SoapyHamHocks / MetroSteamSettings
bodrick / Ember-MM
Ember Media Manager - The all in one media manager for XBMC
DioJoestar / SteamCMD-GUI
Graphical interface for SteamCMD
Steppschuh / RemoteControlServer
Remote Control Server
stax76 / staxrip
Modern x64 video encoding GUI for many powerful x64 video tools such as AviSynth+, VapourSynth, mkvtoolnix, x264, x265, AMD/Intel/NVIDIA GPU encoding, eac3to, ffmpeg and many more. All tools and more then 30 AviSynth+ or VapourSynth plugins are included.
hilkoc / vbaDeveloper
Tools for development and version control of vba code
VBA-tools / VBA-JSON
JSON conversion and parsing for VBA
EvanAnderson / ts_block
Blocks IP addresses generating invalid Terminal Services logons
freebasic / fbc
FreeBASIC is a completely free, open-source, multi-platform BASIC compiler, with syntax similar to MS-QuickBASIC, that adds new features such as pointers, unsigned data types, inline assembly, object orientation, and many others.
kmscode / mRemote3G
mRemote3G is the Third Generation of mRemote, open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager.
arc42 / arc42-template
arc42 - the template for software architecture documentation and communication
SilentSys / SLAM
Source Live Audio Mixer
cdhigh / tkinter-designer
A Gui Designer for Tkinter of Python embedding in VB6, Muliti-Language(English Included) supported.
tannerhelland / PhotoDemon
A free, portable photo editor focused on performance and usability. Macro recording and batch processing are key features. English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Malay, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish translations available.
emilefyon / Excel-VBA-Productivity-Libraries
A set of libraries in order to increase your productivity using Excel and VBA
DotNetAnalyzers / DotNetAnalyzers
This project is for the community to make a common code base of .NET code analyzers using the new VS14 code analyzer functionality.
vbaidiot / Ariawase
Ariawase is free library for VBA cowboys.
iH8sn0w / sn0wbreeze
A Windows .NET GUI Wrapper for xpwn.
DanCooper / Ember-MM-Newscraper
New Ember Media Manager - The all in one media manager for Kodi and other media centers
dzzie / IDACompare
IDA disassembly level diffing tool, - read more->
Vozzie / uacscript
Windows 7 UAC Bypass Vulnerability in the Windows Script Host
RoosterDragon / Desktop-Ponies
Desktop Ponies in .NET [The Original!]